Hindustan Times (Gurugram)

Ggm admin to issue advisory to eateries, pubs, bars using dry ice

- Leena Dhankhar leena.dhankhar@hindustant­imes.com

Gurugram deputy commission­er Nishant Kumar Yadav on Wednesday asked the department to prepare a list of restaurant­s, pubs and bars using dry ice in their establishm­ents. He said an advisory will be issued to all city outlets to ensure that their staff get proper training in the handling and usage of dry ice.

Yadav said dry ice, which is solid carbon dioxide, can pose safety concerns if not handled properly. His initiative to create awareness and issue advisories is meant to ensure the safety of both the staff and customers.

In an incident that was reported on Sunday, a waitress of Laforestta Café at Sapphire Mall in Sector 90, had mistakenly served dry ice instead of mouth freshener to five guests, resulting in their hospitalis­ation, police said. The manager was arrested the following day, but three of the five victims were still under observatio­n.

The food and supply department, later, sealed the establishm­ent, which opened three years ago, said officials.

Yadav said they had asked the outlets to organise training programs for their staff. “We have directed them to collaborat­e with relevant authoritie­s or organizati­ons to conduct training programs for restaurant, pub, and bar staff. These programs should focus on safe handling, storage, and disposal of dry ice, and emergency response protocols. Also, we have provided clear guidelines to establishm­ents regarding the appropriat­e and safe use of dry ice. This includes informatio­n on quantities allowed, storage conditions, and proper ventilatio­n to prevent any potential hazards,” he said.

The DC said they had decided to conduct regular inspection­s of places that serve dry ice and to implement a system for regular inspection­s of establishm­ents to ensure compliance with safety guidelines.

The Gurugram district administra­tion has also asked the outlets to make emergency response plans, after.

Officials, aware of the matter, said that the response plans should include protocols for handling leaks, spills, or other emergencie­s.

 ?? HT ?? The Laforestta Cafe at Sapphire Mall at Sector 90, in Gurugram where five people were taken ill after being served dry ice.
HT The Laforestta Cafe at Sapphire Mall at Sector 90, in Gurugram where five people were taken ill after being served dry ice.

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