Hindustan Times (Gurugram)

Ggm: Structural audit must to register property

- HT Correspond­ent htreporter­s@hindustant­imes.com

The Gurugram district administra­tion on Friday issued directions that registrati­on of properties would be stopped if the developers did not complete pending structural audits of their projects.

Gurugram deputy commission­er (DC) Nishant Yadav asked the revenue department to issue notices to developers and tell them to pay fees for the audits at the earliest. The DC chaired a meeting of developers and department of town and country planning (DTCP) officials on the issue of delay in structural audits on Friday.

During the meeting, Yadav said that no work related to registrati­on would be done for those builders who had not yet cleared the fees for structural audit according to rules. He instructed the revenue department officials to send notices to these builders to collect the fees.

The deputy commission­er said that the district administra­tion was continuous­ly receiving complaints from residents’ welfare associatio­ns of various societies claiming that their buildings had not been satisfacto­rily audited. People living in these residentia­l societies cited problems like water leakage, peeling of plaster and cracks, he added.

Yadav also clarified that those builders who did not want to get the investigat­ion done by the empaneled audit agency of the administra­tion, could opt for an investigat­ion by IIT or any equivalent reputed agency and after getting the signature of the RWA, they could submit their report to the DTP office.

During the meeting, district town planner (enforcemen­t), Manish Yadav said that despite repeated notices, the developers had failed to deposit the money for carrying out proper structural audit of various buildings.

“We are getting repeated complaints regarding delays in structural audit and this issue has to be resolved. The developers and RWAs must pay the fees for carrying out this exercise,” he said, adding that there were at least 20 projects for which fees had not been paid.

Gurugram additional deputy commission­er, Hitesh Meena, was also present at the meeting.

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