Hindustan Times (Gurugram)


PUZZLE 16734



1 Paperhange­r who mails his account? (10)

6 Wager about a pound (4)

10 This French lake has a man’s name (5)

11 Jack took a break outside then went back to work (9)

12 Recording a call that’s gradually fading (8)

13 A journal whose days are numbered (5)

15 Reproduce? (7)

17 Yelled out in the hangar (7)

19 Increase the rate (5,2)

21 Church Times is ordered by a scientist (7)

22 State electricit­y? (5)

24 Bill for example that is unusually desirable (8)

27 I’m in a state of exhilarati­on (9)

28 State aid distribute­d by school centre (5)

29 At the end of the day it’s equally balanced (4)

30 Rare design for the Guards (10)


1 Support a play or a player (4)

2 Though a pound short, victualler may be making a profit (9)

3 Vegetables taken by doctors (5)

4 A diner’s ordered fish (7)

5 Flag officers? (7)

7 More in another edition (5)

8 Current appointmen­t changes at midnight (6,4)

9 Staunch supporters of a hot record (4,4)

14 Sign that a profession­al person is ready to do business (5,5)

16 Team with genuine line-up of stars (8)

18 Test match? Yes and no (5,4)

20 PM has about a thousand in support (7)

21 There’s possibly nigh on a hundred worn in the hair (7)

23 Complain when I get in difficulty (5)

25 Epic story written up in some of the dailies (5)

26 Many come up for sale at auctions (4)


1 Intersect repeatedly (5-5)

6 Smile broadly (4)

10 Engage in swordplay (5)

11 Fatally destructiv­e event (9)

12 Degree of slope (8)

13 An artificial fabric (5)

15 Comprising several items (7)

17 Manifest (7)

19 First in rank (7)

21 Music of Scott Joplin (7)

22 Hard to cut (5)

24 Fit together neatly (8)

27 For the most part (2,3,4)

28 Firm hold (5)

29 Agreeably sharp to taste (4)

30 Bitter feelings (10)


1 Blow with open hand (4)

2 Lack of knowledge (9)

3 Use up (5)

4 Rectify (7)

5 Give a shock to (7)

7 Recover (5)

8 From time to time (3,3,4)

9 Attractive (8)

14 Fellow-countryman (10)

16 Make more cheerful (8)

18 Get rid of (9)

20 Emit rays (7)

21 Income (7)

23 Absolute (5)

25 Not easily obtainable (5)

26 A moral stain (4)

 ?? ??

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