Hindustan Times (Bathinda)





1 Chalice man split unthinking (10)

6 Fringe is left off the shelf (4)

10 A bit of a fight (5)

11 Promise to look after one’s funeral? (9) 12 Bacon or Lamb for example (8)

13 Man designated as CIA plant? (5)

15 Eager for everyone to go back following a note (3,4)

17 Motoring clubs? (7)

19 Available to shoppers or about to arrive (2,5) 21 Troops didn’t finish the course (7)

22 Two in difficulti­es being pulled along (2,3) 24 Travelling after the game (2,6)

27 The present perfect? (5,4)

28 One comparativ­ely unused to work (5) 29 Break a spell (4)

30 They don’t drop off easily (10)


1 Doctor on a ship - on the rocks perhaps (4)

2 A case of building-up ready for the maiden flight (9)

3 First sign of the Greeks (5)

4 Getting used to ruining production (7) 5 Made a searching examinatio­n by all accounts (7)

7 She’s a help having turned up (5) 8 Training for employment (10)

9 Falling behind on the track (8)

14 Aids Alec if it is required (10)

16 Kindly feeling expressed by happy legatee (8) 18 Male reads about girl from Notre Dame (9) 20 A feeling it could be mine too (7)

21 Its root is chopped up in a dish (7)

23 The task is halved with a letter from Greece (5)

25 Alien without alternativ­e means to act (5) 26 They may hold one in affection (4)



1 Disagreeab­le know-it-all (5,5) 6 Side post of doorway (4)

10 To incense (5)

11 A reproof (7-2)

12 Fashion shop saleswoman (8) 13 Set of principles (5) 15 Subjugate (7)

17 Propositio­n to be proved (7) 19 Leave-taking (7)

21 Whole number (7) 22 V-shaped indentatio­n (5) 24 Cutter of precious stones (8) 27 Voyager (9)

28 A corrupt inducement (5) 29 Dissolve (4)

30 The pirate flag (5,5)


1 Feign (4)

2 Prime mover in starting a fight (9) 3 Weary (5)

4 Salad vegetable (7)

5 Assemble (7)

7 Contend in words (5)

8 Vodka and tomato juice (6,4) 9 Tactful (8)

14 Furtive voyeur (7,3)

16 Got down (8)

18 In respect of (9)

20 Italian astronomer 1564-1642 (7) 21 Put in jeopardy (7)

23 A beaten track (5)

25 Exclude from admission (5) 26 Sustain (4)

PUZZLE 16938

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