Hindustan Times (Bathinda)





1 Big jar say (5)

8 Light on one’s feet now? (8)

9 New star around the East grows radiantly (5)

10 Entire triangle has to be reshaped (8)

11 Order of letters in the dictionary (5)

12 As quiet as a snake (3)

16 Rush job? (6)

17 Shrub generally known not to be hardy (6)

18 To love her is quite all right (3)

23 Sound asleep (5)

24 Stamps to commemorat­e a recent birth? (3,5)

25 I’m back with French friend in Florida (5)

26 New version of a decent love story (8)

27 Threatened strike that doesn’t come off (5)


2 Used rail transport and left (8)

3 They represent people a long time since perhaps (8)

4 Private workers are very big fellows (6)

5 Drive to park in roughly a mile (5)

6 Drops in to ask for some paper (5)

7 Remaining unruffled (5)

12 Vessel not encountere­d in a market (3)

13 Play lacking a way to work (3)

14 Route financed by employers (8)

15 The offer of money may make him cross (8)

19 Mature folk left in a flurry of dust (6)

20 Cain’s other people (5) 21 Little in the way of dessert (5)

22 Confidence from fresh ideas (5)



1 Stage in developmen­t (5)

8 Form of cosmetic surgery (4-4)

9 Brusque in manner (5)

10 Without a saddle (8)

11 Conflict (5)

12 Enthusiast­ic admirer (3)

16 Nap (6)

17 Make aware (6)

18 Recede (3)

23 Express clearly (5)

24 Gradually disappear (4,4)

25 A chocolate drink (5)

26 Remain valid (4,4)

27 Love and admire (5)


2 Uncompromi­sing (4-4)

3 A sentimenta­l weakness (4,4)

4 Central American republic (6)

5 Horizontal (5)

6 Competing (5)

7 A financial interest (5)

12 A charge for a service (3)

13 Arrest (3)

14 Definitive statement (4,4)

15 Adjacent (4-4)

19 Publish widely (6)

20 Northwest US state (5)

21 Pious (5)

22 To estimate (5)

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