Hindustan Times (Bathinda)


PUZZLE 16873

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1 Team captains who know the score? (11)

9 A fool and awfully rude; that’s for certain (7)

10 Time for me to change into top perhaps (5)

11 Insensitiv­e one for example shows no hesitation (4)

12 Transplant may give one fresh courage (3,5)

14 Taking flight running fast (6)

16 Rush into a job for life (6)

18 Crew shod as farm workers (8)

19 It’s good about the French being pleased (4)

22 A girl or man disguised (5)

23 Newly alerted one may have to step on it (7)

24 Boring possibly but shrewd (11)


2 A mass rising on the Indian border (5)

3 Old craft by day - or night (4)

4 Extraordin­ary deed is opposed to current trends (6)

5 European able to give avuncular advice? (8)

6 Storm about like a politician in a hurry (7)

7 Men facing it become noble (11)

8 Superior pedestrian crossings? (11)

13 Lacking a timely qualificat­ion (8)

15 Bows were made from it yet were wrongly formed (3,4)

17 Newspaperm­an to be found in dire trouble (6)

20 Left port with a cargo (5)

21 The others get a breather (4)



1 Little, if any, consolatio­n (4,7)

9 Draw to oneself (7)

10 To direct for informatio­n (5)

11 Darkness (4)

12 Something detested (8)

14 Enlarge (6)

16 Out of date (3,3)

18 Of basic importance (8)

19 Having enough skill (4)

22 A cereal plant (5)

23 Dissenter from establishe­d dogma (7)

24 Irascible (3-8)


2 Aquatic fish-eating mammal (5)

3 Transactio­n (4)

4 Pleasure trip (6)

5 Predict (8)

6 Give renewed vigour to (7)

7 Enthusiast­ic reception (4,7)

8 Overcome uneasy formality (5,3,3)

13 Roundabout (8)

15 Colonnade (7)

17 Malicious damage (6)

20 Go swimming (5)

21 Genuine (4)

 ?? ??

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