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Remove illegal hoardings, urge Ekkattutha­ngal residents

Residents of Ambal Nagar in Ekkattutha­ngal have been finding it hard to walk on the pedestrian track as illegal hoardings are placed all along the footpath

- If you notice any civic issues unattended by authoritie­s, please write to us with a photograph at citizen.dtnext@dt.co.in

CHENNAI: While Chennai is largely a city that still lacks a decent walking space, many illegal hoardings have been adding to the woes of the public.

With growing traffic in Chennai city, the public is finding it hard to have a decent pedestrian walk, but besides parking of vehicles on footpaths, people have also begun erecting illegal hoardings on pavements.

For instance, the public at Ambal Nagar in Ekkattutha­ngal has been particular­ly finding it hard to walk on the pedestrian walk as erecting illegal hoardings has become a common occurrence for some offenders. The residents are urging the Greater Chennai Corporatio­n (GCC) officials to take action to prevent such instances in the future.

Speaking to DT Next, Pavithra, a resident of Ekkattutha­ngal said, “For my everyday commute to office, I take the train from the Ekkattutha­ngal Metro station. But, walking to the station is a task due to the lack of pedestrian walk area (pavement) in the stretch. This is not a rare instance, but a regular practice of people in the area.”

As per the residents, the hoarding at the Ambal Nagar in Ekkattutha­ngal is located adjacent to a popular mobile showroom.

A college student, also a resident of Ekkattutha­ngal, pointed out that the stretch is already too populated and there is barely any traffic regulation followed.

“Such violation causes major inconvenie­nce to people. While one hoarding is removed at a particular spot, people are quick to erect another one. There is little to no action by the government department­s too,” she said.

Department officials did not respond when contacted by DT Next.

 ?? ?? Private hoarding on footpath in Ekkatuthan­gal
Private hoarding on footpath in Ekkatuthan­gal

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