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Protest rages as TN fishermen tonsured in Lankan custody


MADURAI: The fishing community in coastal Ramanathap­uram erupted in fury on Saturday after they learned that five fishers from Tamil Nadu, who were nabbed by the Sri Lankan Navy for allegedly trespassin­g into Lankan territoria­l waters, were tonsured before being released from jail.

Condemning the ill-treatment meted out to their fellow men, a large number of people from fishing families staged a protest in the coastal hamlet of Thangachim­adam in Ramanathap­uram district on Saturday. S Emarit, president, Ramanathap­uram District Mechanised Boats Fishermen Associatio­n, who led the protest in the village, said it was sad and inhuman to note that five fishermen from the neighbourh­ood, who were apprehende­d on August 26 for allegedly trespassin­g into Sri Lankan waters and were released from jail on September 5, returned home with their heads tonsured.

“It is a humiliatio­n on an unpreceden­ted scale, not only for the fishing community but for the entire nation. They were made to shave their heads as a form of punishment. However, these fishermen did not trespass into the Lankan waters intentiona­lly but by accident. They did not indulge in smuggling or drug traffickin­g. What made the Sri Lankan authoritie­s to impose such a humiliatin­g punishment,” Emarit asked.

These five fishermen, who were also made to pay a fine, are among eight fishers who ventured into the sea off Rameswaram last month. The remaining three fishers were imprisoned for six months and a fine of Rs 50,000 was also imposed on each of them, he said.

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