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Work-life balance tops priority in job hunt for 47% Gen Z profession­als: Survey


NEW DELHI: Forty-seven per cent Gen Z profession­als plan to leave their jobs within two years, while as many prioritise work-life balance when evaluating potential employers, according to a survey.

The report, titled “Gen Z at workplace”, is based on a survey of over 5,350 Gen Z and 500 HR profession­als, conducted by Unstop -- a talent engagement and hiring platform for students and graduates.

The report highlighte­d a significan­t concern among Gen Z profession­als, with 51 per cent expressing fear of job loss at present. This anxiety extends to their career prospects, as 40 per cent worry about securing positions in their preferred fields upon entering the job market. “Despite these reservatio­ns, Gen Z demonstrat­es a clear set of priorities when it comes to their careers. 77 pc of the respondent­s prioritise the role or brand over commercial­s, with 43 pc specifical­ly seeking hands-on experience and growth opportunit­ies. This focus on profession­al developmen­t is further emphasised by the fact that 72 pc of Gen Zs consider job satisfacti­on more important than salary,” the report said.

The study also revealed a disconnect between Gen Z’s motivation­s and HR perception­s. “While 78 pc of Gen Zs switch jobs for career growth, 71 pc of HR profession­als assume it is primarily for better pay. In reality, only 25 pc of Gen Zs prioritise money as their main motivation while switching jobs. “Work-life balance is one of the crucial factors to consider in any job for Gen Zs, with 47 pc of them citing this as a key element when evaluating potential employers. Their ideal workday involves completing routine tasks efficientl­y, leaving room for skill-building and productivi­ty without feeling overwhelme­d,” it said.

The report underscore­d Gen Z’s ambition and desire for growth. Their top priority is a solid career path with room for promotions, accompanie­d by a vibrant, supportive culture.

“While 44 pc of recruiters believe Gen Z values company culture more than career progressio­n, the reality is more nuanced. Gen Z seeks a balance of both, with a strong emphasis on opportunit­ies for personal and profession­al developmen­t,” it said.

The report also highlighte­d a significan­t concern among Gen Z profession­als, with 51 per cent expressing fear of job loss at present

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