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‘India becoming a global research powerhouse’


NEW DELHI: India is rapidly becoming a global research powerhouse and is poised to become a global leader in biotechnol­ogy, Ajay Sood, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Government of India, said on Thursday, citing the nation’s rapid advancemen­ts in research and innovation.

Speaking at the Global Bio-India 2024 Summit, Sood emphasized India’s rise as a pivotal hub for technologi­cal excellence, particular­ly in biological manufactur­ing and biofuels.

“India is rapidly becoming a global research powerhouse,” Sood said, referencin­g a recent report by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) that ranked India among the top five countries in 45 out of 64 technologi­es, a significan­t increase from 37 technologi­es last year.

Sood said India is poised to become a global leader in biotechnol­ogy and noted this progress is especially visible in biological manufactur­ing, where India now holds the second position globally.

“This is really encouragin­g and a very pleasing aspect,” he added, attributin­g the shift to an evolving scientific ecosystem supported by strategic policies and calculated risks.

Sood highlighte­d the importance of India’s new biotechnol­ogy policy, Bio-E3, as a critical step towards economic growth, environmen­tal sustainabi­lity and job creation.

“The recent approval of India’s first biotechnol­ogy policy marks a significan­t initiative,” he stated, adding biofuels and the circular economy are crucial components in ensuring long-term sustainabi­lity.

The success of India’s biotech innovation, according to Sood, hinges on the collaborat­ion between diverse stakeholde­rs, including research institutes, universiti­es, companies, investors and the government.

He also emphasized the importance of stakeholde­r involvemen­t in shaping the future of healthcare, agricultur­e and energy.

The success of India’s biotech innovation, according to Sood, hinges on the collaborat­ion between diverse stakeholde­rs, including research institutes, universiti­es, companies, investors and the government. He also emphasized the importance of stakeholde­r involvemen­t in shaping the future of healthcare, agricultur­e and energy.

India’s biotech ecosystem is also benefiting from the integratio­n of emerging technologi­es such as quantum computing and artificial intelligen­ce. Sood expressed optimism about the synergy between cross-functional scientific fields, which he said is vital for driving future advancemen­ts.

“There is no better time than now to harness the rapidly evolving capabiliti­es of AI and the new dimensions opened by quantum technologi­es,” he said. The Principal Scientific Advisor also touched on India’s role in achieving a carbon-neutral future through biotechnol­ogy, highlighti­ng innovative approaches like carbon sequestrat­io.

These entities must collaborat­e to foster a sustainabl­e environmen­t through networks, regulatory support and the promotion of innovation with intellectu­al property rights protection

— Ajay Sood, Principal Scientific Advisor

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