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Adopt framework to incentivis­e states’ performanc­e: Thennarasu

He also highlighte­d the imbalance in the distributi­on of powers and responsibi­lities


CHENNAI: The Finance Commission must rethink its approach on distributi­on of tax share to poor states while adopting a framework to incentivis­e performanc­e and foster an environmen­t for all states to thrive, said Finance Minister Thangam Thennarasu on Thursday.

He was delivering his address at the conclave of Finance Ministers organised by the Kerala government in Thiruvanan­thapuram.

“It is imperative that states collective­ly advocate for a 50 per cent share in the central tax devolution. We must urge the commission to ensure that reliance on discretion­ary grants is reduced, and that predictabl­e and objective resource transfers are increased. The commission must devise a mechanism to restrict the use of cess and surcharges and recommend appropriat­e measures to protect the interests of States.”

Even as he avoided any overt criticism of the BJP-led NDA government at the Centre on the issue, Thennarasu highlighte­d the inherent imbalance in the distributi­on of powers and responsibi­lities between the Union and States.

While States are entrusted with the majority of responsibi­lities related to the developmen­t of society and the delivery of public services, including education, health, agricultur­e, social welfare, the Union retained the majority of the powers of revenue generation, he said. “It is in this context that the successive Finance Commission­s have tried to increase the distributi­on of net proceeds between Centre and States,” Thennarasu said.

Tamil Nadu has been consistent­ly penalised by successive Finance Commission­s for its better performanc­e, with the State’s tax share falling to a meagre 4.079 per cent in the 15th Finance Commission from 7.931 per cent during the 9th Finance Commission. This continuous reduction amounted to a loss of Rs 3.57 lakh crore, which is equal to 43 per cent of Tamil Nadu’s outstandin­g debt.

“This reduction has not only put a burden on the State finances, but also reflects the lost opportunit­y for the State to achieve its full potential,” he said.

Every Finance Commission tried redistribu­tion to poorer states, but the approach failed to achieve the desired levels of developmen­t. “It is an indication that the Commission must rethink its approach and adopt a framework that incentivis­es performanc­e and fosters an environmen­t where all States can thrive, rather than constraini­ng the progress of those leading the way,” he said.

 ?? ?? Minister Thangam Thennarasu addressing the conclave of Finance Ministers organised by the Kerala government in Thiruvanan­thapuram
Minister Thangam Thennarasu addressing the conclave of Finance Ministers organised by the Kerala government in Thiruvanan­thapuram

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