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I was kept in the dark : Aarti lashes out

Women writers in the 20th century from Tamil Nadu fought the patriarcha­l society and penned narratives that traversed psychologi­cal, existentia­l and socio-economic issues in the society. R Chudamani was one such notable writer whose short stories have bee


Aday after actor Jayam Ravi officially announced his separation from his wife Aarti, the latter has now responded with a clarificat­ion statement saying that the announceme­nt was made without her knowledge or consent. In a statement on her social media handle with a letterhead that mentions her as Aarti Ravi, she said that such a significan­t matter should be handled with the grace, respect, and privacy that it deserves.

“I was deeply shocked and saddened by the recent public announceme­nt regarding our marriage, which was made without my knowledge or consent. After 18 years of shared history, I EHOLHYH WKDW VXFK D VLJQL FDQW PDWWHU VKRXOG EH KDQGOHG ZLWK the grace, respect, and privacy that it deserves,” she said in the post.

She further added that she tried to speak directly with her husband Jayam Ravi several times over the past few months but did not get a chance and this decision was purely one-sided.

“For some time, I have sought several opportunit­ies to speak directly with my husband, hoping to have an open dialogue in a manner that honours the commitment we made to one another and to our family. Sadly, that opportunit­y was not afforded to me, leaving both my children and me completely blindsided by this announceme­nt. The decision to walk out of our marriage is purely one sided and does not EHQH W RXU IDPLO\ VKH UHPDUNHG

On his birthday on Tuesday, Jayam Ravi filed a petition for divorce at the Family Welfare Court and the case was scheduled for a hearing on October 10. In his note the actor mentioned, “After much thought, reflection­s and discussion­s, I have taken the difficult decision to proceed with the dissolutio­n of marriage with Aarti. This decision was not made out of haste and it stems from personal reasons that I believe are in the best interests of everyone involved.”

Aarti, who is the daughter of noted television producer Sujatha Vijayakuma­r, and Ravi got married in 2009 and have two sons, Aarav and Ayaan. It is to be noted that she had deleted her pictures with Jayam Ravi from her social media accounts in June, which paved the way for speculatio­ns surroundin­g their marriage.

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