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Google Maps counters Ola by adding new features


NEW DELHI: Amid rising competitio­n from homegrown challenger Ola Maps, Google on Thursday announced a slew of new features on Google Maps to woo users in India, including EV charging station informatio­n, flyover callouts and AI-driven routing capability to reduce narrow road usage for four-wheeler drivers.

It is “an exciting time in mapping”, Google Maps said announcing its lineup of new features, which comes in the backdrop of a pitched battle with Ola.

On Thursday, the company announced six ways it is enabling more efficient and sustainabl­e journeys on Google Maps in India, powered by AI and local partners.

Stating that navigating narrow or congested roads in unfamiliar areas can be a challenge for four-wheeler drivers, Google Maps announced it is introducin­g a new feature for users in India designed to reduce the use of narrow roads when driving four-wheelers.

“To address this, we’ve developed an AI model specifical­ly for Indian roads that incorporat­es multiple signals satellite imagery, Street View and other informatio­n like road types, distance between buildings, paved sections, etc. to estimate road widths at scale. Using these road width estimates, we’ve fine-tuned our existing AI routing algorithms,” a blogpost by Miriam Daniel, VP and GM at Google Maps, and Lalitha Ramani, GM at Google Maps, India, read.

Another new feature on Google Maps is call-out flyovers along the recommende­d route. This feature helps users anticipate upcoming flyovers and prepare ahead of time to get onto the flyover.

The company has also announced the availabili­ty of informatio­n about EV charging stations on both Google Maps and Google Search in India.

Google Maps announced it is introducin­g a new feature for users in India designed to reduce the use of narrow roads when driving four-wheelers

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