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AICC worried over loose cannons in TN unit targeting DMK, sets up inquiry


CHENNAI: The emotional outbursts of a few state Congress leaders appear to have not gone down well with its national high command, going by the inquiry reportedly ordered against the behaviour of those state unit members.

AICC is said to have entrusted its Tamil Nadu in-charge Dr Ajoy Kumar with the task of preparing a report of its TNCC leaders’ recent statements that might have got on the nerves of its loyal ally DMK in Tamil Nadu.

Party sources say that AICC has advised Ajoy Kumar to prepare a report on the recent ‘provocativ­e’ statements made by a few of its Tamil

Nadu leaders. The AICC’s interventi­on happened close on the heels of Congress MP Karti Chidambara­m’s statements about the party remaining cowed down by alliance compulsion­s even during non-election seasons.

Karti, in a recent party meeting chaired by TNCC president K Selvaperun­thagai, was heard telling the party cadre that they must be a part of the government, implying that the Congress should secure berths in the ministry.

It didn’t go down well even with a few TNCC leaders, who expressed dismay at the outspoken MP’s statement.

A TNCC senior, unwilling to be quoted, disclosed that the AICC might have pitched in because this is not the first instance in recent times that a TNCC leader has made a statement undesirabl­e to the DMK. Not so long ago, Selvaperun­thagai landed in trouble when he made equally ambitious statements about the revival of the Congress and establishm­ent of Kamarajar rule in the Dravidian heartland.

“If he (TNCC chief Selvaperun­thagai) is so concerned that the Congress must contest on its own and act independen­tly without alliance compulsion­s, he must have contested without DMK’s alliance. It is unfair to make such statements after winning with DMK’s support. It will only help the BJP and damage the Congress party,” the leader said.

Another highly placed TNCC leader said, “Statements of these leaders are irrelevant. Only the high command can decide on the alliance. Such statements might irritate the DMK, but will not affect the alliance.” TNCC leaders refused to rule out the possibilit­y of the AICC deputing his envoy to look into the statements of its TNCC leaders.

It is unfair to make such statements (against DMK) after winning with DMK’s support. It will only help the BJP and damage the Congress party

— Senior TNCC leader

 ?? ?? Karti Chidambara­m
Karti Chidambara­m
 ?? ?? Selvaperun­thagai

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