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TNTA announces new club league tennis championsh­ip


CHENNAI: The Tamil Nadu Tennis Associatio­n has always been at the forefront of promoting tennis in the Juniors, Men’s, Women’s and Veterans at the state, national, internatio­nal and club levels for many decades now. The list of tennis players hailing from Tamil Nadu, who have achieved laurels on the world stage over the years, is well known.

Acknowledg­ing these facts RWD, a top-ofthe-line corporate real estate developer has come forward to sponsor the first ever league cum knock out tournament for clubs, The RWD OPEN Chennai City Club League cum Knock out Tennis championsh­ip 2024.The event will be held in months of August and September 2024.

All the top clubs in Chennai are in the fray and former top players like Somdev Devvarman, G Rajesh, Vinod Sridhar, Vijay Kannan and Sai Jayalakshm­y will be seen in action during the event. RWD is also supporting TNTA’s new player developmen­t program called The Next Level. This program provides support and assistance for players to help them achieve their immediate goals of getting to the next level.

TNTA has been regularly conducting tournament­s for all juniors men and women. While we are already conducting the league in first quarter of each year, I am extremely happy that RWD has come forward to sponsor another major club event, said Premkumar Karra - Honorary Secretary TNTA

In the tournament, all the clubs will be participat­ing in the same draw, teams will be divided into groups and the winners of these round robin contests will proceed to play in the knockout format. Each tie will consist of 5 double matches – one 30 + pair, one 35+ pair, two 45 + pairs and one 55 + pair. The winner of each tie will be decided by the total number of games won.

 ?? ?? Hiten Joshi, WS Habib, Sai Jayalakshm­i, Vivek reddy, Prem kumar karra, B Venkatasub­ramaniam , Rajeev vijaykumar at the event
Hiten Joshi, WS Habib, Sai Jayalakshm­i, Vivek reddy, Prem kumar karra, B Venkatasub­ramaniam , Rajeev vijaykumar at the event

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