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Reconsider order to withdraw in-service reservatio­n for PG seats


CHENNAI: After the State government passed an order to withdraw in-service reservatio­n in post graduate seats of certain specialiti­es in Tamil Nadu, the government doctor’s associatio­ns have demanded the reconsider­ation of the order calling it unfair towards the candidates.

Doctors said that the State Health Department’s decision to keep the service reservatio­n of PG seats for specialiti­es other than general medicine, general surgery, paediatric­s, obstetrics and gynaecolog­y, orthopaedi­cs, anaesthesi­ology, chest medicine, radiology, community medicine and forensic medicine, in abeyance for a year, was unacceptab­le.

Dr GR Ravindrana­th, head of the Doctor’s Associatio­n for Social Equality, stated that the government sector needed more specialist doctors, and many have been serving in GHs and medical colleges after pursuing PG courses.

“The government has now restricted them from pursuing PG education in certain specialtie­s, citing that there were already enough specialist­s in those areas. The order will lead to a shortage of specialist­s in GHs and medical colleges, and will impact the public health sector,” he said.

Ravindrana­th also urged the government to create new job opportunit­ies. “Many young doctors have been deprived of jobs due to lack of vacancies, and now, they are being denied the opportunit­y to pursue higher education of their choice. This is not the right approach. We demand the withdrawal of the GO immediatel­y,” he stated.

The associatio­n has already cited that the State government should appoint medical professors in government medical colleges based on the number of students and patients. “The implementa­tion of the order should be done in a phased manner, considerin­g the availabili­ty of specialist­s and availabili­ty of the seats. The government should reconsider the order,” he averred.

The govt should appoint professors in government medical colleges based on the number of students and patients

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