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AI won’t snatch jobs, will create new roles: Deloitte’s Tandon


NEW DELHI: AI will replace people with people, contrary to the common narrative, Deloitte’s AI Executive Rohit Tandon said, emphasisin­g that the future belongs to AI-human collaborat­ion, not replacemen­t, as he envisions a revolution­ary era where technology empowers, rather than replaces, the workforce.

Rohit Tandon, MD, AI and insights practice leader, Deloitte LLP, said AI will not snatch jobs, but will simply do away with some of the easier jobs, and create new roles.

“AI will, with people, replace people... It’s not just AI replacing people. You still need humans in the loop,” he said. The same kind of fear of job roles getting wiped out existed when IT, technology, and computers came into the scenario. “But just look at how many more jobs have been created across the globe because of IT. The same thing is going to happen with AI. It’s going to be all-pervasive, just like it is today, just like you have some of the biggest supercompu­ters that exist today available on your phone, some of the most powerful AI algorithms will be at your disposal, in your purses, and in your wallets, in your pockets.

“It’s going to be something that we talk about just like the way we talk about it or not talk about it, it just becomes a part of our lives,” he said.

He said this is not the first time when a new technology has come and threatened job losses.

“We’ve done this before with automation, call centres, etc. We’ve automated some of the easier stuff. What it leaves behind is tougher problems for humans to solve. “It will lead to job changes. AI will be replaced by AI with humans. If you look at the pyramid of jobs, AI will start automating more of the easier jobs that are done,” he noted.

AI will, with people, replace people... You still need humans in the loop —Rohit Tandon,

MD, AI and insights practice leader, Deolitte LLP

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