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Ramadoss flays upper age limit for Group-2


CHENNAI: Expressing shock over fixing of upper age limit for several of the Group-2 and Group-2A exams, PMK founder S Ramadoss urged the Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) to withdraw the notificati­on and issue a new notificati­on.

In a statement, the senior leader said that TNPSC has issued a notificati­on to select candidates for 2,327 posts in Group-2 and Group-2A in Revenue, Forest and other department­s. “The notificati­on has an age limit for several of the postings, which is not usual practice. Age limits are not fixed for reservatio­n candidates in Group-2 and Group-2A appointmen­ts. Candidates can apply until the age of 59 years,” he added.

However, of the 61 ranks, the TNPSC has fixed an age limit of 37 years for 13 ranks. “Of the total 2,327 posts, as many as 446 have an upper age limit. Due to the notificati­on, candidates above 37 years of age could not apply. This is a disappoint­ment for candidates, who are preparing for competitiv­e exams. This is also against social justice,” he opined.

Earlier, a similar notificati­on for Group-2 and Group-2A posts was issued in February 2022. “In the notificati­on, no upper age limit was fixed. Why upper age-limit was fixed this time? Whether the government has taken any policy decision on a matter pertaining to social justice or officials took the decision?” he urged the TNPSC to clarify.

Ramadoss said, “It is not right for a commission that is functionin­g as per the Constituti­on of India. The mistakes cannot be justified. TNPSC should go back from its decision of fixing the upper age limit for Group-2 and Group-2A posts. Apart from revoking the notificati­on, the commission should issue a fresh notificati­on.”

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