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Farmers’ associatio­ns revive demand for removing toddy ban


COIMBATORE: The hooch tragedy, which claimed the lives of over 50 persons in Kallakuric­hi has revived the call for lifting ban on toddy in Tamil Nadu.

It is with renewed vigour that some political parties and farmers associatio­ns have raised their demand for permitting toddy.

“Toddy is a health drink and not a drug or alcohol. Tapping and consumptio­n is a right of the constituti­on. Toddy ban continues for over 34 years in Tamil Nadu because of lack of understand­ing on its value by the government and political parties. But, there is some support now among people and certain political parties to lift the ban,” said C Nallasamy, organiser of Tamil Nadu Toddy Movement.

Suggesting some measures to prevent its adulterati­on, he said, “toddy tapped from one tree has medicinal values. It could cure some diseases, if consumed continuous­ly for 48 days. Toddy can even be used to cure alcoholic addiction. The state government could generate revenue by even marketing toddy in tetra packs and bottles in developed countries, hotels and airports.”

Also, the farmer’s bodies have urged the state government to follow in the footsteps of Bihar to enforce total prohibitio­n, which would also help in reducing crimes.

Similarly, the farmers affiliated to Narayanasw­amy Naidu Farmers Protection Associatio­n have threatened to sell toddy in front of Gandhi statue in Pollachi as a mark of protest against police curb down on toddy tapping and sales.

“When toddy is sold in Kerala and other states, why is it banned in Tamil Nadu,” they wondered.

The issue of toddy tapping, which echoes usually at the time of polls has also gained political spotlight recently after BJP state president K Annamalai demanded the state government to open toddy shops.

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