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65 children among over 330 bonded labourers rescued


CHENNAI: Over 330 bonded labourers, including 65 children, have been rescued from various industries in the State during the financial year 2023-2024. The rescues were the fallout of regular and special inspection­s carried out in more than 44,000 establishm­ents.

The government, intending to free the State from bonded and child labourer systems, has been taking a multi-pronged approach.

As part of the initiative, the labour department has been carrying out routine and surprise raids in various industries.

As many as 268 violations were noticed and 65 children and 274 adolescent labourers were rescued and rehabilita­ted, Minister for Labour CV Ganesan said in the policy note for the fiscal year 2024-2025.

The officials have filed 57 cases and 103 cases (including previous pending) ended in conviction, he said and noted that a fine to the tune of Rs 19.42 lakh imposed against the employers of the bonded labourers for violating the child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibitio­n and Regulation) Act 1986 and the Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Act 1976.

It may be recalled that the officials rescued over 53 boys, of whom 12 were below 14 years old, from the gold jewel-making unit Sowcarpet in Chennai in July last year. They were forced to work more than 14 hours, restricted their movement and given low wages.

The officials issued a released bonded labour certificat­e and facilitate­d them to return to their native village in September last year. It was one of the major rescues of bonded labourers.

The department has also been taking measures to create awareness among the stakeholde­rs. The government has sanctioned Rs 1.33 crore for the creation of a permanent corpus fund for the rehabilita­tion of bonded labourers in all 38.

“The rescued bonded labourers are rehabilita­ted with an immediate assistance amount of Rs 30,000 along with other government welfare measures,” the Minister further said.

Officials issued a released bonded labour certificat­e and facilitate­d them to return to their native village in September last year

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