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4 from Karunapura­m held for the tragedy


State police have arrested four persons in connection with the spurious liquor tragedy in Kallakuric­hi in which over 40 persons have died so far. On Thursday, police arrested three persons from the same family- K Govindhara­j alias Kannukutty, his wife, Vijaya and Govindhara­j’s brother, Dhamodhara­n - all from Karunapura­m in Kallakuric­hi for selling the spurious liquor, ironically from a cemetery in the village.

The CB-CID, which has taken over the investigat­ion, has secured another suspect, Chinnadura­i, who was absconding, according to sources. Chinnadura­i is said to be the person who supplied the spurious liquor to Govindhara­j.

Bereaved family members told reporters that police inaction led to the present tragedy claiming that the local police did not act on the sellers despite complaints.

Meanwhile, Police went on an overdrive in nearby districts, resulting in the seizure of spurious liquor and at least six persons have been detained. Police sources said that DGP Shankar Jiwal has given specific instructio­ns to all SPs to intensify searches in their jurisdicti­on. Special teams have been formed to find the source of Methanol, an industrial spirit, which is suspected to be used to brew the liquor. Incidental­ly, over 20 persons had died only a year ago in Marakkanam and Chengalpat­tu after consuming spurious liquor. Police had then slapped a murder case against Chennai-based Chemical Engineer S Elayanambi, who sold methanol to manufactur­ers.

The crackdown is expected to increase in the coming days, according to police officials. Meanwhile, in continuati­on of the suspension of over a dozen police officers, including Kallakuric­hi SP, Samay Singh Meena, the state government shunted out Enforcemen­t Bureau ADGP, Mahesh Kumar Aggarwal and his deputy, SP, SR Senthil Kumar on Thursday.

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