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India ranks 63rd on Energy Transition Index: WEF


NEW DELHI: India has been ranked 63rd on a global Energy Transition Index released on Wednesday by the World Economic Forum, which said the country has shown significan­t improvemen­t across energy equity, security and sustainabi­lity.

European nations dominated the top ranks with Sweden topping the index, followed by Denmark, Finland, Switzerlan­d and France in the top five.

The improvemen­t shown by India and some other developing countries such as China and Brazil assumes significan­ce as 83 percent of countries have moved backwards from last year in at least one of the three energy system performanc­e dimensions -– security, equity and sustainabi­lity.

Taking note of various initiative­s taken in India, the World Economic Forum (WEF) said the country is leading the way in creating outcomes that can be replicated elsewhere.

It said the government­s can also consider creating awareness and policy interventi­ons, such as guidelines for energy-efficient built infrastruc­ture and incentives for retrofitti­ng, to shape an enabling environmen­t for accelerate­d adoption.

“The developing world has an opportunit­y to rewrite the rules and show the way to successful­ly transform energy demand — an example of reverse innovation is frugal, scalable innovation originatin­g in developed countries and then scaled across the world,” it added.

On the role of China and India, the WEF said that with roughly a third of the global population, these two countries will play a critical role.

“Both have experience­d progress in renewable energy buildout, energy access improvemen­ts and energy security,” the WEF said.

Globally, the report said the energy transition to a more equitable, secure and sustainabl­e energy system is still progressin­g.

While 107 of the 120 countries benchmarke­d in the report demonstrat­ed progress on their energy transition journeys in the past decade, the overall pace of the transition has slowed and balancing its different facets remains a key challenge.

Taking note of various initiative­s taken in India, the World Economic Forum said the country is leading the way in creating outcomes that can be replicated elsewhere

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