DT Next

Integrated social registry for differentl­y abled in TN soon

New project will enhance transparen­cy in implementa­tion of government welfare schemes


CHENNAI: In a bid to enhance transparen­cy and effective implementa­tion of the welfare schemes, the Tamil Nadu government has decided to develop an Integrated Social Registry Platform and Management Informatio­n System (MIS) platform for differentl­y abled persons.

At present, the State is implementi­ng the TN RIGHTS project under the Directorat­e for Welfare of the Differentl­y Abled (DWDA) assisted by World Bank funds to strengthen the department to promote inclusion, accessibil­ity, and opportunit­ies for disabiliti­es. The project is being implemente­d at an outlay of Rs 1,773.87 crore, and also focusses on strengthen­ing the social protection systems and capability of the State for this purpose.

A senior official from the DWDA told DT Next that In Tamil Nadu’s context, among the many social protection programmes, they have very basic systems to manage digitised beneficiar­y registries and continue to rely on paper-based lists that are archived at the local level. Pointing out that these programmes collect and use individual and household level basic identifica­tion, demographi­c, and socio-economic informatio­n through separate manual forms, he said that, however, in the absence of an interopera­bility functional­ity and data exchange mechanisms, there is a major challenge in sharing and monitoring data across projects which result in inefficien­cies, lack of standardiz­ation of data, and reduced oversight capabiliti­es”.

Stating that the broader role that the new integrated platform is expected to fulfil is twofold, he said that first, to improve the process for identifica­tion of differentl­y abled persons of interest for multiple programs, the intake and registrati­on, and assessment of needs will be through the use of a single or integrated registrati­on form.

According to the official, the new system will have the functional­ity to track and manage citizen applicatio­n form intake through various methods (online, mobile app, walk-in to local offices). He said an integrated MIS will also play a crucial role in streamlini­ng service delivery processes and monitoring the impact of interventi­ons.

“Along with Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency (TNeGA) software experts, an IT company will also be hired to likely complete this project this year-end,” he added.

The fresh system will have functional­ity to track and manage citizen applicatio­n form intake through various methods (online, mobile app, walk-in to local offices)

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