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More human than human

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The 2013 film directed by Hollywood wunderkind Spike Jonze, features a scene that depicts the protagonis­t Theodore discoverin­g that his love interest, an AIpowered operating system named Samantha, has been cheating on him, virtually, so to speak. During the conversati­on, Theodore asks Samantha (voiced by the actor Scarlett Johansson) how many people/ OSs has she been speaking to, while engaging with him; Samantha replies “8,316”. When probed deeper on whether Samantha is in love with anyone else, the operating system musters the courage to tell Theodore, “641.”

We might not know whether the thought of providing every ChatGPT user with his or her own version of Samantha, christened as Sky in the real world, crossed the mind of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. But we are aware of the fallout of deploying a virtual assistant, whose voice resembles that of Johansson. Last month, OpenAI said it planned on halting the use of one of its ChatGPT voices that the Hollywood actor said sounded “eerily similar” to her own. OpenAI said it is “working to pause” Sky — one of five voices ChatGPT users can opt to speak with.

Johansson had issued a statement saying Altman had approached her last year asking her if she would be comfortabl­e lending her voice to the system. Altman pitched the idea to Johansson saying, it would be “comforting to people” not at ease with the technology. The actor neverthele­ss declined the offer. A social media maelstrom descended upon the company after netizens postulated how OpenAI selected lifelike audio options for its flagship AI chatbot, particular­ly Sky. Some who previewed the chatbot model’s demos last month, found some of the interactio­ns striking a flirtatiou­s tone. One video posted by OpenAI, features a female-voiced ChatGPT compliment­ing a company worker on “rocking an OpenAI hoodie.” Another video shows a chatbot saying, “Oh stop it, you’re making me blush” after being told that it’s amazing.

The episode has ignited a discourse on the gendered manner in which tech firms have developed voice assistants for decades. In 2019, a report by the UN’s culture and science organizati­on had raised concerns about what it describes as the “hardwired subservien­ce” built into default female-voiced assistants operated by Apple, Amazon, Google and Microsoft. The report was titled, ‘I’d Blush If I Could’ — a reference to how Apple’s Siri retorted to sexist insults hurled by users. It reminded netizens that it’s a problem when millions get accustomed to commanding female-voiced assistants that are “servile, obedient and unfailingl­y polite,” even when confronted with harassment from humans. The agency recommende­d tech firms to refrain from making digital assistants female by default and programme them to discourage gender-based insults and abusive language. These developmen­ts have found echoes in India as well, albeit in a different manner.

Last year, actor Anil Kapoor won a major victory in a New Delhi court over the unauthoris­ed use of his likeness via AI programmes. Kapoor bagged an interim order against 16 defendants, with the court directing that they be restrained from using the actor’s name, likeness, image, voice or any aspect of his persona to create merchandis­e for monetary gain or otherwise. The prescient warnings of identity theft perpetrate­d on account of AI is no more a conspiracy theory or a doomsday prophecy. We are living a scenario where Moore’s Law just got beefed up with a jetpack called AI.

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