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Following are IRCDUC’s department-specific recommenda­tions for resettleme­nt sites such as Kannagi Nagar/Ezhil Nagar and Semmencher­y in Chennai, and Perumbakka­m in Chengalpat­tu.


Provide space and build multipurpo­se centres to address gender-based violence (GBV) and provide immediate assistance to women, children, young persons, elderly and other vulnerable groups

When the accused (GBV) is out on bail, there is a need for immediatel­y providing alternate housing for the survivor and the family without any conditions.

Formulate a policy for it

Coordinate with the respective line department­s and/or organisati­ons to install lights and CCTV cameras, operationa­lise the milk booths in New Perumbakka­m (near Block Number 28), set up legal aid centres for women, elderly, and trans persons, and also increase police patrolling

Consult infrastruc­ture audits once in six months and submit status reports to the district habitat committees

TNUHDB must not allot buildings constructe­d for ICDS for other purposes. The ICDS functionin­g in tenements constructe­d for residentia­l purposes with no play area should be shifted to separate buildings constructe­d for ICDS centres

There is only one higher secondary school in Kannagi Nagar and Ezhil Nagar. One more is needed

Of the 9 parks in Semmencher­y, 8 require play materials, maintenanc­e, lighting

Provide daily water supply for all the tenements in Perumbakka­m.

Ensure adequate water supply in all schools and ICDS centres in the settlement­s

Make houses for persons with disabiliti­es accessible with wider toilets with grab bars

Speed breakers with reflectors to be laid to prevent speeding inside the settlement­s

The ‘Nam Kudiyirupp­u Nam Poruppu Scheme’ (Our tenement, Our Responsibi­lity) should also include ID and reporting issues related to safety of women and children as one of the responsibi­lities of the RWAs.

Lay proper roads to link the burial ground. Space for burial ground for minorities (Christian and Muslims) could be provided like Kannagi Nagar, as Perumbakka­m has more population than Kannagi Nagar

Set up a monthly public grievance redress day in the resettleme­nt sites

Instruct schools to monitor the cases of long absenteeis­m among girls to prevent child marriage.

Monitor the quality and salinity level of water supply in the three resettleme­nt sites

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