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With the convenienc­e and versatilit­y they offer, cheese boards have become a go-to option for hosts seeking to impress their guests with minimal effort


Without reinventin­g the menu and setup for home parties, the experience can become mundane, not only for the guests but also for the hosts. In recent years, there’s been a surge of interest in the inclusion of cheese boards and grazing boards as convenient and enticing party appetisers. City’s cheeseboar­d experts discuss why it has become a favourite for many and easy tips for curating a cheeseboar­d at home.

Harshita Mirpuri, chef and founder of Dough Dough Deli, explains that there is a wide range of grazing boards available, with options ranging from artistic Indian versions to Mediterran­ean-inspired spreads. “Cheese boards are effortless to assemble - a single board of average size serves 5-6 people, making it perfect for an evening high tea or a nice starter for longer gatherings. They’re also incredibly convenient for the host. One reason for the surge in popularity is that many people are open to exploring beyond traditiona­l starters and snacks, with evolving palates eager to indulge in cheese-tasting experience­s. Rather than incorporat­ing cheese into dishes like pasta or mac and cheese, people now enjoy having a slice with crackers or paired with olives, berries, or jams. When something is deemed ‘trendy,’ there’s a natural inclinatio­n to embrace it. Additional­ly, cheese boards make for visually stunning table displays, adding an extra touch of beauty to any occasion,” explains Harshita.

In the modern approach to food presentati­on, there’s no ‘correct’ way to assemble a cheese board. It’s all about embracing creativity, honouring tradition, and ultimately, delighting the taste buds of those participat­ing in the experience. “Food, to me, is an expression of art, and there are multiple ‘right’ ways to compose a board. Just as with any recipe, it is crucial to acknowledg­e and respect the authentici­ty of its origins while allowing space for experiment­ation and personal style. For a cheese-centric board, I incorporat­e diverse textures and flavour profiles, ranging from soft cheeses like feta and mascarpone to harder options and semi-soft varieties like mozzarella. These are complement­ed by accompanim­ents such as crackers, fruits, marmalades, preserves, olives, and various nuts,” she says.

The chef finds that grazing boards, which incorporat­e elements of cheese alongside other snacks, offer a broader appeal, especially for the Indian palate. “I add dips like hung curd or Greek yoghurt, along with creamy pesto or spinach dip, served alongside toasted garlic bread. By combining cheese with familiar snack options, we cater to a larger group of people, accommodat­ing both cheese enthusiast­s and those less accustomed to it. This ensures that everyone can find something enjoyable.” Harshita highlights the ease and adaptabili­ty of assembling a cheese board at home, emphasisin­g the opportunit­y to support local brands and delis. “I love how cheese boards allow us to experiment with local cheese options. In a recent workshop, I collaborat­ed with a local brand, using their cheese to create a unique board. It’s all about letting the cheese shine in its raw form.”

Combining cheese and fruit may seem unconventi­onal, but it’s become quite popular recently. “For example, I like adding feta, watermelon, and mint skewers to my cheese board, or fresh mozzarella, cherry tomato, basil, and balsamic glaze skewers. It doesn’t always have to be extravagan­t; sometimes, classics like cheese and crackers hit the spot. I remember enjoying Monaco biscuits topped with grated Amul cheese and ketchup as an after-school snack. Now, I’ve started making crackers, pairing them with cheese, olives, walnuts, and honey for a well-rounded bite. Adding a bit of spice with chilli crisp can be a nice touch, especially for Indian palates. Regardless of cuisine, the goal is to balance flavours in every bite. Figs, grapes, and other fruits can complement cheese boards beautifull­y. I like to decorate my board with edible flowers, fresh microgreen­s, and herbs like rosemary, thyme, and mint to enhance presentati­on and flavour,” adds Harshita.

Baker, chocolatie­r, and grazing board expert Minal Kripalani is known for her custom-made flavoured cream cheese balls and expertise in curating exquisite grazing boards and cheese boards. “Today, sourcing imported cheese and meats has become much simpler, making it easier to create gourmet grazing boards at home. Grazing boards offer convenienc­e and versatilit­y, allowing hosts to present a variety of snacks and appetisers in one centralise­d display. This, in turn, enhances the dining experience and frees up the host from constant food management,” says Minal.

Additional­ly, Minal specialise­s in crafting a diverse range of dips and accompanim­ents, including Mediterran­ean and Mexican-inspired options, which further elevate the grazing board experience.

Regardless of cuisine, the goal is to balance flavours in every bite. Figs, grapes, and other fruits can complement cheese boards beautifull­y. I like to decorate my board with edible flowers, fresh microgreen­s, and herbs like rosemary, thyme, and mint to enhance presentati­on and flavour

—Harshita Mirpuri, founder, Dough Dough Deli

 ?? ?? One of Harshita’s creations from a recent workshop
One of Harshita’s creations from a recent workshop
 ?? ?? Grazing boards curated by Minal
Grazing board box Harshita sells through Dough Dough Deli
Grazing boards curated by Minal Grazing board box Harshita sells through Dough Dough Deli
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 ?? ?? Minal Kripalani
Minal Kripalani
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