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Apex, largest stegosauru­s fossil ever found, heads to auction


In May 2022, Jason Cooper, a commercial paleontolo­gist, went for a walk around his property near the aptly named Colorado town of Dinosaur with a friend and found a bit of femur protruding from some rock. That femur led to a stegosauru­s fossil, among the largest and most complete ever found, which has subsequent­ly been nicknamed “Apex.” In July the Sotheby’s auction house will sell Apex at auction at an estimated value of $4 million to $6 million, making the skeleton the latest flashpoint in a long-running debate about the private fossil trade.

Dinosaur fossils have fetched escalating prices at auction houses since 1997, when Sotheby’s sold “Sue” the Tyrannosau­rus rex to the Field Museum in Chicago for $8.36 million. In 2020, “Stan,” another largely complete T. rex skeleton, sold at Christie’s for $31.8 million.

Such pricing has raised serious concerns among academic paleontolo­gists, said Stuart Sumida, vice president of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontolo­gy. Many of them have watched fossils that may unlock scientific mysteries get steered into the hands of wealthy private collectors rather than toward research institutio­ns in recent decades.

Cooper and his colleagues unearthed the Sotheby’s-bound stegosauru­s in 2023. Digs on his property have yielded a number of Jurassic period dinosaurs, several of which Cooper has donated to institutio­ns like the Brigham Young University Museum of Paleontolo­gy in Provo, Utah, and the Frost Museum of Science in Miami.

Cooper described the Apex stegosauru­s as a unique and scientific­ally important specimen. Skeletons — even partial ones — of the plate-backed, spike-tailed herbivore are rare. The skeletal mount contains material from about 70 percent of the animal’s bones. At 11 feet tall and over 20 feet long, Apex is double the size of “Sophie,” the most intact stegosauru­s specimen known, and has unusual proportion­s, remarkably long legs and square-bottom plates. The specimen was also discovered with skin impression­s, possibly from the neck, which will be offered as part of the sale. Cooper supervised the preparatio­n and mounting of the stegosauru­s, 3D-scanning the existing bones and mirroring elements of the specimen to fill in the gaps. The team also collected extensive contextual data, which they think could be attractive to prospectiv­e buyers. The informatio­n includes a detailed site survey, quarry maps and other documentat­ion. Cooper also invited several paleontolo­gists to examine the specimen. “If you combine size, completene­ss and bone preservati­on, it is the best stegosauru­s I’ve seen,” said Rod Scheetz, curator at the Brigham Young University Museum of Paleontolo­gy, who inspected it at Cooper’s property. Cassandra Hatton, the head of Sotheby’s science and popular culture department, said the auction house worked closely with Cooper to reinforce the scientific legitimacy of this privately sold dinosaur mount, aiming to create a model for future auctions.

“This is the first time a specimen has been auctioned where we’ve been working together from the time it was excavated,” she said. “This is the most transparen­t sale of a dinosaur to have ever occurred.”

Asher Elbein is a journalist The New York Times

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