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Are AI tools hampering innovation?


It would be nice if innovation could happen “just by dreaming,” says Viktor Mayer-Schonberge­r, who stresses that imagining things is “crucial for being innovative.” That is why the professor of informatio­n science at Oxford University believes artificial intelligen­ce (AI) won’t be able to compete with human creativity for the time being. “Humans can imagine things that don’t exist yet,” he told DW, because despite being trained on massive datasets AI is working with data from the past. So, the datasets used for machine learning reflect what we can learn from the past for the present, he added, enabling AI to make insights from collected data more accessible, “but it doesn’t invent anything new.”

If the present or the future differs significan­tly from the past, AI cannot help us find the right solutions. For example, if people during Henry Ford’s time had been asked what they wanted, most would have likely said “a faster horse” — a solution rooted in past experience­s.

AI is thus a tool for evaluating large datasets and increasing efficiency, especially in economical­ly stable times. However, we do not live in stable times. The challenges posed by climate change require innovation­s beyond current capabiliti­es. Paradoxica­lly, the pace of innovation has slowed down despite rapid advancemen­ts in AI, said Mayer-Schonberge­r. Ufuk Akcigit, an economics professor at the University of Chicago, and Sina T. Ates from the board of the US Federal Reserve both have observed a slowdown in productivi­ty growth in the US. “The entry rate of new businesses has decreased, productivi­ty growth has slowed down, the labor share of output has decreased, while market concentrat­ion and the corporate profit share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) have increased,” they wrote in a recent paper on declining US business dynamism.

The researcher­s found that the dynamism of innovation in American companies has decreased since the 1980s, and even more noticeably since the 2000s. They attribute this to insufficie­nt competitio­n between leading companies and their rivals, partly because knowledge is not shared sufficient­ly. This prevents latecomers to markets from learning from the advances of the leaders and growing themselves. As a result, there is less competitiv­e pressure on the big players, who, without competitio­n, have fewer incentives to innovate.

The prime mover of modern-day innovation is data. With the help of AI, large amounts of data can be increasing­ly well-analysed. According to the Federation of German Industries (BDI), ever more data is being collected, with the volume having increased 10 times between 2012 and 2022, and expected to triple again by 2025.

This is where major digital companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook come into play. These companies collect vast amounts of data, thus becoming more efficient while at the same time preventing access to their data wealth for others. “Although these digital giants are reputed to be pioneers, they actually slow down innovation processes and progress by hoarding data,” said Mayer-Schonberge­r, adding that rival companies, as well as public institutio­ns and scientific organisati­ons, are shut out.

These days, it is also more common for innovative companies to be simply bought out by big firms, said Mayer-Schonberge­r. He noted that about 20 years ago more than three-quarters of successful Silicon Valley startups chose to go public, while today, three-quarters are already swallowed up by the likes of Google and Facebook even before they go public.

This article was provided by Deutsche Welle

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