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US military unprepared for war, or peace

Regaining American strength will be expensive. But fighting a war, and worse, losing one, is far more costly. Washington needs to begin a conversati­on on how the US could set itself on a path to a peaceful, prosperous century


To be prepared for war,” George Washington said, “is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” President Ronald Reagan agreed with his forebear’s words, and peace through strength became a theme of his administra­tion. In the past four decades, the American arsenal helped secure that peace, but political neglect has led to its atrophy as other nations’ war machines have kicked into high gear. Most Americans do not realise the specter of great power conflict has risen again.

It is far past time to rebuild America’s military. We can avoid war by preparing for it. When America’s senior military leaders testify before my colleagues and me on the US Senate Armed Services Committee behind closed doors, they have said that we face some of the most dangerous global threat environmen­ts since World War II. Then, they darken that already unsettling picture by explaining that our armed forces are at risk of being under-equipped and outgunned. We struggle to build and maintain ships, our fighter jet fleet is dangerousl­y small, and our military infrastruc­ture is outdated. Meanwhile, America’s adversarie­s are growing their militaries and getting more aggressive.

In China, the country’s leader, Xi Jinping, has orchestrat­ed a historic military modernisat­ion intended to exploit the US military’s weaknesses. He has overtaken the US Navy in fleet size, built one of the world’s largest missile stockpiles and made big advances in space. President Vladimir Putin of Russia has thrown Europe into war and mobilised his society for long-term conflict. Iran and its proxy groups have escalated their shadow war against Israel and increased attacks on US ships and soldiers. And North Korea has disregarde­d efforts toward arms control negotiatio­ns and moved toward wartime readiness.

Worse yet, these government­s are materially helping one another, cooperatin­g in new ways to prevent an American-led 21st century. Iran has provided Russia with battlefiel­d drones, and China is sending technical and logistical help to aid Mr. Putin’s war. They are also helping one another prepare for future fights by increasing weapons transfers and to evade sanctions. Their unpreceden­ted coordinati­on makes new global conflict increasing­ly possible.

That theoretica­l future could come faster than most Americans think. We may find ourselves in a state of extreme vulnerabil­ity in a matter of a few years, according to a growing consensus of experts. Our military readiness could be at its lowest point in decades just as China’s military in particular hits its stride. The US Indo-Pacific commander released what I believe to be the largest list of unfunded items ever for services and combatant commands for next year’s budget, amounting to $11 billion. It requested funding for a raft of infrastruc­ture, missile defense and targeting programs that would prove vital in a Pacific fight. China, on the other hand, has no such problems, as it accumulate­s the world’s leading hypersonic arsenal with a mix of other lethal cruise and attack missiles.

Our military leaders are being forced to make impossible choices. The Navy is struggling to adequately fund new ships, routine maintenanc­e and munition procuremen­t; it is unable to effectivel­y address all three. We recently signed a deal to sell submarines to Australia, but we’ve failed to sufficient­ly fund our own submarine industrial base, leaving an aging fleet unprepared to respond to threats.

Two of the three most important nuclear modernisat­ion programs are underfunde­d and are at risk of delays. The military faces a backlog of at least $180 billion for basic maintenanc­e, from barracks to training ranges. This projects weakness to our adversarie­s as we send service members abroad with diminished ability to respond to crises.

Fortunatel­y, we can change course. We can avoid that extreme vulnerabil­ity and resurrect American military might. On Wednesday I am publishing a plan that includes a series of detailed proposals to address this reality headon. We have been living off the Reagan military buildup for too long; it is time for updates and upgrades. My plan outlines why and how the United States should aim to spend an additional $55 billion on the military in the 2025 fiscal year and grow military spending from a projected 2.9 percent of our national gross domestic product this year to 5 percent over the next five to seven years.

It would be a significan­t investment that would start a reckoning over our nation’s spending priorities. There will be conversati­ons ahead about all manner of budget questions. We do not need to spend this much indefinite­ly — but we do need a short-term generation­al investment to help us prevent another world war.

My blueprint would grow the Navy to 357 ships by 2035 and halt our shrinking Air Force fleet by producing at least 340 additional fighters in five years. This will help patch near-term holes and put each fleet on a sustainabl­e trajectory. The plan would also replenish the Air Force tanker and training fleets, accelerate the modernisat­ion of the Army and Marine Corps, and invest in joint capabiliti­es that are all too often forgotten, including logistics and munitions.

The proposal would build on the $3.3 billion in submarine industrial base funding included in the national security supplement­al passed in April, so we can bolster our defense and that of our allies. It would also rapidly equip service members all over the world with innovative technologi­es at scale, from the seabed to the stars. We should pair increased investment with wiser spending. Combining this crucial investment with fiscal responsibi­lity would funnel resources to the most strategic ends. Americans have grown far too comfortabl­e under the decades-old presumptio­n of overwhelmi­ng military superiorit­y. And that false sense of security has led us to ignore necessary maintenanc­e and made us vulnerable. Regaining American strength will be expensive. But fighting a war — and worse, losing one — is far more costly. We need to begin a national conversati­on today on how we achieve a peaceful, prosperous and American-led 21st century. The first step is a generation­al investment in the US military.

Wicker, a Republican, is the ranking member of the US Senate Armed Services Committee The New York Times

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