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Loop Road fish market 95% ready, to be opened by June end: Corpn

Even as the civic body prepares procedures for the allocation, fishermen claim their livelihood is at stake if moved from roadside stalls near the Marina beach


CHENNAI: A senior official of the Greater Chennai Corporatio­n has said that the fish market at Marina Loop Road will be inaugurate­d next month and that almost 95 per cent of constructi­on works have been completed so far. The official stated that once allotment of shops are completed, it will be opened for public use.

“Constructi­on work is almost over. The roof of the market, drains, and fish effluent to bio-digest conversion facilities are also ready. Works of electricit­y connection, and parking space are expected to be completed within 10 days” said a senior official with the Chennai Corporatio­n.

Rs 9 crore was allocated for the fish market constructi­on and works commenced in April 2023. The local body has given an additional fund of Rs 4 crore for the constructi­on of the compound wall and toilet. The Corporatio­n authoritie­s have already prepared a list of fishermen from the nearby hamlets including Pattinampa­kkam, Srinivasap­uram and Nochikuppa­m to occupy the fish stalls. The official updated that there will be a discussion with the fishermen soon over the issue of allocation.

However, the fishermen lamented that if they were shifted to the new fish market their business would be hit and would be forced to pay rent and taxes, which they claimed as unaffordab­le. “The Corporatio­n officials are yet to conduct a discussion on shifting the shops to the newly constructe­d market. We are unable to express our opinion and are against the decision of the government if they urge us to pay rent and other charges because the market has been constructe­d on the land owned by the fishermen,” said K Bharathi, a fisherman at Nochikuppa­m.

 ?? ?? The fish market along the Loop Road being spruced up for inaugurati­on
The fish market along the Loop Road being spruced up for inaugurati­on

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