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I have full faith in juniors, says retiring CJ


CHENNAI: The Chief Justice of the Madras High Court SV Gangapurwa­la said that he has great faith and confidence in the juniors of the Madras Bar and exuded confidence that they will carry forward the legacy of Madras High Court.

CJ Gangapurwa­la retiring on May 23, in his farewell event, showered encomiums on the legacy of Madras Bar.

During the event the CJ referred to Albert Einstein’s relativity theory and said that though he served here for nearly one year, but now feels like he just arrived yesterday.

“I gained more from this institutio­n, it has a legacy on its own, it’s a premier High Court which has to be credited with laying down many fundamenta­l laws,” the CJ said.

“I’m not an emotional person, but today so many thoughts are acrobating in my mind and it is difficult to speak,” said the CJ.

While concluding his speech, the CJ thanked all the legal fraterniti­es of the High Court including all the judges, advocates, and employees for rendering utmost cooperatio­n.

During the farewell speech, the Advocate General (AG) PS Raman said that the CJ marched to the High Court as King Raja Raja Cholan to take the reigns of this chartered court in May 2023 and conquered all our hearts like the Chola kings conquered distant lands.

The first bench presided over by the CJ has been the fountainhe­ad of several judgments involving the constituti­onality of acts, rules, and regulation­s, said the AG.

For a judge it is important to have knowledge, patience, and integrity, said the AG and continued that CJ had another virtue, beyond the aforementi­oned three, of having inexhausti­ble energy and enthusiasm in sitting long hours in courts to dispose of cases well beyond working hours.

AG also shared interestin­g statistics of CJ provided by Justice M Dhandapani, that in the 14 years and 2 months of his service as a judge he has taken leave only 7 days.

 ?? ?? Retiring Chief Justice SV Gangapurwa­la arrives for farewell function on Thursday
Retiring Chief Justice SV Gangapurwa­la arrives for farewell function on Thursday

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