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Prevalence of hypothyroi­dism high in India, suggests research data


The most common thyroid disorder that is seen in clinical practice is hypothyroi­dism, which is the underactiv­e thyroid. Hypothyroi­dism can be overt or subclinica­l hypothyroi­dism.

All overt hypothyroi­dism and a few patients with subclinica­l hypothyroi­dism would be recommende­d thyroxine therapy for the underactiv­e thyroid gland. The other clinical entity for which patients do seek treatment is overactive thyroid, hyperthyro­idism treated with anti-thyroid medication­s.

Dr Sruti Chandrasek­aran, Senior Consultant in Endocrinol­ogy and Diabetolog­y, Rela Hospital says that there is a high prevalence of hypothyroi­dism in India. Hypothyroi­dism in newborns (congenital hypothyroi­dism) is reported to be 1 in 2000 births, with even higher incidences reported in iodine-deficient areas.

Newborn screening helps identify congenital hypothyroi­dism and is widely implemente­d. In the adult population, it is estimated that at least 1 in 10 adults in India, or 10.95 percent, are affected by hypothyroi­dism.

Research data suggests that the prevalence of hypothyroi­dism is higher than that in developed countries, which ranges between 2 percent and 5 percent. Female gender and older age were found to have a significan­t associatio­n with hypothyroi­dism — nearly one-third of people living with hypothyroi­dism experience the disorder without diagnosis. The prevalence of subclinica­l hypothyroi­dism was reported at 8 per cent and antibody positivity (Anti TPO positivity) at 21.85 percent.

India has completed its transition from iodine deficiency to iodine-replete status.

Dr Sruti added that thyroid disorders can be identified with a good history of taking tests and physical examinatio­ns. The thyroid blood test can then be requested with a pretest probabilit­y of identifyin­g the problem. What we need is awareness and screening methods for a large proportion of the population experienci­ng thyroid disorders but may not be seeking treatment.

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