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High Court stays constructi­on of cultural centre on temple land

HR&CE Minister’s decision questioned by court, response sought from State government


CHENNAI: The Madras High Court wondered how the Minister of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowment (HR&CE) could announce the constructi­on of a cultural centre on land belonging to Kapaleeshw­arar temple in Chennai, and stayed further works in this regard

A vacation bench of Justice GR Swaminatha­n and Justice PB Balaji heard a petition moved by TR Ramesh, seeking to quash the government order (GO) announcing to constructi­on of a cultural centre on land belonging to Kapaleeswa­rar temple.

The petitioner contended that the issued GO is without jurisdicti­on and is in contravent­ion of the scheme and provisions of the Tamil Nadu HR&CE Act, 1959.

The State cannot supplant the powers and duties of the trustees and take any decision concerning the management and administra­tion of the religious institutio­ns including the utilisatio­n of its funds and properties. As per rule 14 of the functionin­g board of trustees rules, all administra­tive decisions can only be taken by the board of trustees and no outside persons including the government and HR&CE.

The constructi­on of the cultural centre would cause revenue loss to the tune of Rs 10 crore as annual rental income and Rs 2.5 crore as annual interest income, said the petitioner.

Advocate General (AG) PS Raman representi­ng the State submitted that no constructi­on will proceed without proper permission.

After the submission, the bench granted an interim stay restrainin­g the State from constructi­ng the cultural center until further order and directed the State to file a counter. The matter was posted to the third week of June.

On September 4, 2023, the Tourism, Cultural and Religious Endowment department released an order stating that a cultural centre will be constructe­d to showcase the traditions of Tamil Nadu and hold religious events on a 22.80 ground extent of land belonging to Kapaleeswa­rar temple at Greenways Road, Raja Annamalai Puram.

The government order also stated that Rs 28.76 crores of the temple funds will be used to construct the cultural centre.

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