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Google to make Pixel phones, drones in TN

Deal clinched during TN team’s recent visit to US; formal announceme­nt deferred due to Model Code in place


CHENNAI: Tech giant Google would soon establish its plant in Tamil Nadu to manufactur­e one of its flagship products ‘Google Pixel’ phone and also drones. The Tamil Nadu government has secured a massive deal with Google to land the advanced

Pixel phone and drone manufactur­ing plants.

Sources with knowledge of the negotiatio­ns between the Tamil Nadu government and the tech Goliath disclosed to DT Next that the Google Pixel phone manufactur­ing plant would come up near Chennai. “The deal was 100 per cent on and a formal announceme­nt was deferred due to the election Model Code of Conduct. The deal was clinched following a visit of the Tamil

Nadu government delegation led by State Industries Minister TRB Rajaa to the United States where they met with senior management of Google and Foxconn over ten days ago,” said an official.

It has been reliably learnt that Foxconn would act as the contract manufactur­er for Pixel phones for Google in Tamil Nadu, while a minor component of the phone would be manufactur­ed by Dixon Technologi­es for the

Google Pixel 8 phone. Google will also start manufactur­ing drones in Tamil Nadu through its subsidiary company.

The delegation dispatched by Chief Minister MK Stalin was also said to have made a series of investment pitches with top executives of leading firms in the US. Sources also added that Foxconn has massively scaled up its capacity in the Chennai plant given the reported Google Pixel production.

While the State government remained tightlippe­d on the big ticket investment on the pipelines, minister Rajaa who caught a whiff of the leaked informatio­n posted on his ‘X’ page late Thursday evening that the state industrial sector was “set for a massive thrust in the near future with many more internatio­nal giants making plans to set shop in the talent capital of India – Tamil Nadu.”

The Google pixel project could be a boost to the State in achieving its investment target of Rs 6.6 lakh crore set in the Global Investors Meet 2024, the third edition of the investment conclave organized by the State government to woo investors.

Foxconn has massively scaled up its capacity in the Chennai plant given the reported Google Pixel production

— Sources, with TN govt

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