Dadavani (English)

With the Awakened Awareness of ‘I am pure Soul,’ You Became Free from Doubts


Now, Your state as the pure Soul is such that it never becomes lepayamaan, and chanchalta (restlessne­ss) does not affect it. This is because the laksh has set in. The laksh sets in only if the nirlep, achal (steady; unchanging) Self is attained.

The awakened awareness ( laksh) of ‘I am pure Soul’ is keval Darshan (absolute Vision). Keval Darshan means that everything has come into understand­ing. For some, it may not have set in the understand­ing deeply, however, [the awakened awareness of] ‘I am pure Soul’ has set in properly, that is referred to as absolute understand­ing ( keval samaj). Here, the awakened awareness of the pure Soul prevails for You, so You feel that there is something like a pure Soul; that is keval Darshan, that itself is kshayak samkit (the permanent conviction of the right belief ‘I am pure Soul’). What is the result of that? The state of uneasiness and agitation ( aakulta-vyaakulta) comes to an end and niraakulta (a blissful state free of uneasiness and agitation that arises after Self-realizatio­n) prevails.

So now, the doubts have gone. ‘I am pure Soul’ is a state that is free from doubts, and the Lord has referred to the state that is free from doubts as kshayak samkit. As long as the state that is free from doubts does not arise, it cannot be referred to as kshayak samkit. The Lord has referred to kshayak samkit as keval Darshan. Now, You have to keep understand­ing further, so as to attain the degrees of keval Gnan (absolute Knowledge). ‘You’ have to go on understand­ing everything until You attain 360 degrees. However much You understand, that much gets ‘digested’ [comes into experience or Knowledge].

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