Dadavani (English)

One Becomes Asang With the Awareness of ‘I Am Not Chandubhai, I Am the Pure Soul’


Asang means ‘ I am pure Soul,’ there is no experienti­al awareness ( bhaan) other than that. ‘ You’ are the pure Soul that is asang. ‘ I’ am indeed asang. ‘ I’ am indeed nirlep ( unaffected by any intents that tend to anoint). As that wrong belief has broken, it is gone. That was a wrong belief. That is why people ask, “How can I be considered asang?” Don’t people ask that? Whereas You Yourself understand that the wrong belief is broken. ‘I am Chandubhai’ was a wrong belief that had arisen in the other state. But now, however much you followed in the wrong direction, if you undo that much, then it will come to an end. Then it will be set right. However much you went the wrong way, you will have to turn back accordingl­y.

‘ I am pure Soul’ is itself the awakened awareness ( laksh) of the state of being asang. The result of Gnan is virti ( cessation of anger, pride, deceit, and greed). The state of being asang itself is virti. It is only once the Self is attained that One becomes free of all associatio­ns ( sarvasang parityaag). ‘ You’ have been given the Self. ‘ You’ have been given Your Real form ( swaroop), the Self that is free of all associatio­n has been given to You. No associatio­n affects it, and if an associatio­n were to affect it, then it would never become the [original] Self. After being made free of that associatio­n, this Gnan has brought about results within You; otherwise, it would not bring about results, would it! Now as per the Real viewpoint ( Nishchay), You are asang. So You have become asang by the Real viewpoint. Even people out there claim to be so, but that does not work. For You, the awakened awareness ( laksh) of the asang swaroop ( the Real form as

the Self that is free of associatio­n with the mind, speech, and body) prevails on its own. What does laksh mean? It is considered Atma dhyan ( internal state that results in the constant awareness of ‘ I am pure Soul’). Before [attaining Gnan], the dhyan ( internal state of being) was ‘ I am Chandubhai,’ now You have the internal state of being that ‘ I am pure Soul.’ For the most part, the internal state of being of ‘ I am pure Soul’ prevails. When there are too many ‘ files’, then it may be missed out to a certain extent, but even then, what is in the internal state of being? The pure Soul. That is shukladhya­n ( the internal state of being in which One prevails in the awareness of ‘I am pure Soul’); it is asang swaroop. There is no state in the world that is higher than this. This is actually avirtipad ( uninterrup­ted prevalence as the Self). Hence, the only thing that You have to take care of is that as You have come into the avirtipad, all of this will have to be cleared, won’t it? When You remain in ‘our’ Agnas, that much will be solved.

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