Dadavani (English)

Akram Vignan Has Given Unpreceden­ted Pure Experienti­al Awareness


Questioner: Whenever I am interactin­g and conducting myself in worldly interactio­ns, I have no understand­ing whatsoever of whether I am the pure Soul or Chandubhai. Confusion arises between the Real and the relative.

Dadashri: It is necessary to understand that. You are Chandubhai and You are also the pure Soul. By the relative viewpoint, you are Chandubhai and by the real viewpoint, You are the pure Soul. All that is relative is temporary. In the temporary realm, you are Chandubhai. All the temporary worldly interactio­ns are Chandubhai’s and the permanent is Yours! Now, after attaining Gnan, Your jagruti (awakened awareness) exists in the realm of the permanent. To whatever level the jagruti has reached, that is how close One is to the Self.

What is Akram Vignan (the spiritual Science of the step-less path to Self-realizatio­n)? The Self and the non

Self are exposed as they are and they become separated. The part that is the Self, that is Your own realm, and the other part is the non-Self, that is the realm of the non-Self. As long as [people of] the world does not know these two divisions, they keep saying, “I am Chandubhai.” But that is based on relative support. If you say, “I am Chandubhai,” then that [relative support] remains. When the experienti­al awareness ( bhaan) arises that ‘I am pure Soul,’ then You stop giving that support, so it will inevitably topple over.

‘I am Chandubhai’ is temporary, and you have believed yourself to be that. ‘You’, the ‘I’, are in fact eternal, but that experienti­al awareness does not arise. As soon as that experienti­al awareness arises, One is free! There is no realizatio­n at all of ‘who am I’! One is trying to remain hidden from his own Self. He knows all that is not of his own Self! It is indeed a wonder that one remains hidden from his own Self! How long will you remain hidden from your own Self? For how long will you remain this way? The only purpose of this life is to realize ‘ who am I’.

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