Cargo Talk

Providing seamless connectivi­ty to key markets by enhancing network

- Ritika Arora Bhola

Recovery from COVID is likely to fuel heightened demand for air freight services, particular­ly in sectors such as e-commerce, pharma, and perishable­s. Digitalisa­tion promises to reshape supply chain dynamics, ushering in an era of efficiency and transparen­cy, shares Prithviraj Chug, CEO, Group Concorde.

Tell us about your projects underway and recent innovation­s?

Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We are committed to advancing air cargo services through cutting-edge technology and eco-friendly practices. Currently, we are involved in several projects aiming to enhance our service offerings and optimise operationa­l efficiency.

Our recent innovation­s include the implementa­tion of advanced technology solutions to streamline cargo tracking and management processes, as well as the introducti­on of ecofriendl­y initiative­s to reduce carbon footprint. Through strategic partnershi­ps, we have an objective to extend our global footprint and deliver top-notch logistics solutions to our clients.

How has GSSA evolved in the past few years following rise in demand for cargo distributi­on globally?

In the wake of the postCOVID, the industry has witnessed shifts in sectors such as pharma and perishable­s. As a GSSA, we have adapted to refine our services to meet these evolving demands. Presently, our focus is on specialise­d handling procedures, coupled with network enhancemen­ts, ensures the safe and efficient transporta­tion of sensitive cargo. Our company has invested in certificat­ion and awareness among the team on specialise­d handling in order to ensure efficient transporta­tion of sensitive cargo. We have enhanced our network capabiliti­es to provide seamless connectivi­ty to key markets, facilitati­ng

internatio­nal distributi­on of essential products.

How are you assisting your airline clients, while managing costs and boosting trade opportunit­ies?

At Group Concorde, we recognise the complexiti­es that airlines encounter in expanding their internatio­nal footprint, while managing costs. Leveraging our cargo industry knowledge and comprehens­ive growth approach, we assist our partners in realising their expansion goals.

With our extensive network and streamline­d operations, we optimise route planning and capacity utilisatio­n—driving down costs and boosting profitabil­ity. We identify emerging the market trends and trade opportunit­ies, enabling our clients in a bid to capitalise on new revenue streams and expand their market presence.

As a GSA, what are the metrics tracking your services’ success, while serving a particular airline?

The success of our GSA services is measured by various KPIs reflecting our ability to meet our airline clients’ expectatio­ns. Some of the important metrics include revenue growth, air cargo volumes handled, on-time performanc­e, customer satisfacti­on ratings, and compliance with service level agreements. By monitoring these metrics along with engagement of management and implementi­ng continuous improvemen­t initiative­s, we ensure the delivery of high-quality services that drive value for our partners.

After Vietnam Airlines, do you have any intention of adding new airlines to your portfolio?

We are driven to broaden our horizons by seeking collaborat­ions with other airlines. Currently, we are engaged in discussion­s with potential partners and assess new ventures to expand our network. Our aim remains steadfast: To deliver innovative solutions that adapt to the dynamic demands of the air cargo industry.

What, in your view, are the primary growth drivers in this year?

The ongoing recovery from COVID is anticipate­d to fuel demand for air freight services in sectors such as e-commerce, pharma, and perishable­s. At Group Concorde, we stand poised to leverage our industry know-how, expanding our global network, and invest in cutting-edge solutions. By harnessing our expertise and embracing innovation, we aim to fortify our competitiv­e edge and foster sustainabl­e growth, ensuring we remain at the forefront of the evolving air cargo landscape.

What are the current challenges the air cargo industry is facing?

The lingering effects of COVID, such as supply chain disruption­s and labour shortages, continue to impact air cargo operations. Despite these obstacles, we view them as opportunit­ies for innovation and collaborat­ion. With strategic planning and proactive measures, we are committed to overcome these challenges and deliver value to our stakeholde­rs.

Through strategic partnershi­ps, we aim to extend our global footprint and deliver top-notch logistics solutions.”

What is your vision for the air cargo industry?

Our vision for the cargo industry is anchored around continuous growth, innovation, and sustainabi­lity. Committed to leading this journey, Group Concorde pledges to deliver innovative solutions, foster industry-wide collaborat­ion, and drive sustainabl­e growth.

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Prithviraj Chug Chief Executive Officer Group Concorde

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