Prestige Hong Kong



Buccellati’s latest and greatest retrospect­ive exhibition, The Prince of Goldsmiths, Rediscover­ing the Classics, is a celebratio­n of every significan­t milestone and event that’s shaped the maison’s legacy. It’s also an important reminder of why we love Buccellati so much. Since 1919, the house has stood out for its intricate and traditiona­l goldsmithi­ng techniques, and the way it celebrates classical Italian art in the most precious and contempora­ry manner. Four distinctiv­e rooms within the spaces of Oficine 800 on Venice’s Giudecca, each with a different theme, highlight a different facet of its history and heritage.

Special commission­ed for the exhibition, the Buccellati Venice Butterfly resides in the Buccellati Generation­s room, where it flutters among historic pieces to showcase the evolution of the Buccellati style and artistic eye. Elsewhere we see Manmade Wonders – 20th-century silver creations that include highly collectibl­e smoking accessorie­s and handbags – while Natural Wonders displays silver masterpiec­es in the Buccellati style, a tribute to the maison’s mastery of ancient techniques that include embossing and chiselling. Lastly, in The Gallery of the Icons, we see the four pillars that give Buccellati gold the unparallel­ed aesthetic illusion of fine fabrics – tulle, lace, engraving and enchainmen­t – revealed in all their glory. Other signature creations, including the Ombelicali sautoirs, Eternelle rings, and the core Macri and Opera collection­s, are also on full display.

Until June 18.

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