Golf Asia

A Final Word


What do you say when the time comes to take your leave? So much flits through and swirls in the mind… How does one translate the mix of thought and emotions from head and heart into anything cohesive? It is almost an exercise in futility.

Yet here I am… at the finish line.

Yes, this will be my final foreword as editor of the only golf magazine left in Singapore. For me, Golf Asia has been a labour of love - never quite perfection yet still striving for it to grow for the love of golf and the community that is you. Recent surprise resignatio­ns have seen Rory Mcilroy decide not to continue as a player director on the PGA Tour Board with three years left on his tenure, and Paul Azinger leaves the lead analyst’s chair still warm after four years of calling the shots in major golf broadcasts for NBC. The number 5 is up next and I hear my name being called. A sign of sorts? Perhaps.

It’s been a good five years at Golf Asia and thank you, bosses, colleagues and fellow golfers, for the partnershi­ps, friendship­s and opportunit­ies to work with and have a round or two of golf with you.

While Golf Asia stays closest to my heart, coming a very close second is the Golf Asia Masters that took shape and grew out of the two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

It’s been a pleasure crafting and curating a golf event with a lifestyle difference for the recreation­al golfer who plays for pleasure more than the thrill of competitio­n, and your smiles and appreciati­on were more than enough reason to perpetuate its existence.

I will miss being there with you, as I will miss being here at Golf Asia. And as cliched it is to say that as one door closes, another opens, I take my cue from Tiger Woods’ announced return to competitio­n at the Hero World Challenge.

Never say never, because we never truly know.

Till our paths cross again on the fairways, I wish you good golf, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

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