Stabroek News

CDB knocks T&T’s project progress

...blames administra­tion changes


(Trinidad Express) Acting vice-president of operations at the Caribbean Developmen­t Bank Therese Turner-Jones believes Trinidad and Tobago and the CDB’s “story” is not impressive, given that many specific projects were not completed despite the benefits they would bring. Turner-Jones on Wednesday attributed this large gap between identified projects and completed ones to administra­tion changes.

“In the last country strategy, we identified over $430 million in projects and less than $10 million actualised. So, that is a concern because in the strategy we identified doing more on water and sanitation...there is a lot of room there and we are doing some technical assistance for your master plan for water resources in the country, but it hasn’t been outstandin­g in terms of what we have been able to do,” she said.

She was speaking during a panel discussion hosted by the Central Bank of T&T, “Building T&T’s Economic and Financial Resilience—The Role of Multilater­al Financial Institutio­ns”, at the Central Bank auditorium in Port of Spain.

Drawing from chief economist and general manager at the Department of Research of the Inter-American Developmen­t Bank Dr Eric Parrado Herrera’s comment on the impact of democracy, she said there was a need for deeper dialogue with citizens as opposed to only policymake­rs.

Turner-Jones said, “Parrado Herrera mentioned something just in passing about democracy and the way we interact with members of our government who are members of our institutio­ns... that dialogue tends to focus on a relationsh­ip at a point in time and I think what we need to be doing is going deeper where the dialogue is extended to civil society and the beneficiar­ies so it is not just seen as being associated with a particular administra­tion.”

She continued, “Trinidad’s story, I think, for me, is a good story for maybe how not to do a country strategy meaning it’s typically not aligned with an election cycle and what happens is if it doesn’t get done in an administra­tion then it’s abandoned and we have seen this across the region.”

Turner-Jones said administra­tions dump projects which are considered to be fine because they may not align with their mandate or they do not see the benefits of it during their administra­tion.

 ?? ?? Therese Turner-Jones
Therese Turner-Jones

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