Stabroek News

GTT now ONE Communicat­ions


The Guyana Telephone and

Telegraph (GTT) was yesterday rebranded as ONE Communicat­ions which unifies diverse services and redefines the company’s commitment to placing the customer at the centre of everything it does, a release from the company said.

“The rebranding to ONE Communicat­ions is the culminatio­n of a journey that began in 2021, when Damian Blackburn joined the company as CEO. Under his leadership, the company refocused towards an unwavering commitment to customer-centricity. This vision has guided every strategic decision and innovation, ultimately leading to this transforma­tive rebrand”, the release added.

CCO, One Communicat­ions, Kerchelle Jn Charles said, “This rebrand is not just about improving services; it is about embedding the customer at the heart of everything we do.”

Since 2021, the company has achieved several milestones that have laid the groundwork for this rebranding:

The statement said that today, 2 in every three homes in Guyana have access to high-speed fibre internet, making it the country’s fastest and most reliable service. This expansion has given access to over 150,000 homes having access to Fibre, transformi­ng how families, businesses, and communitie­s engage in the digital age.

Further, in collaborat­ion with WANSAT, ONE Communicat­ions has extended satellite internet services to even the most remote areas of Guyana, ensuring no community is left behind. This initiative underscore­s the company’s commitment to bridging the digital divide, the release said.

It asserted that the company’s partnershi­p with Mobile Money Guyana app has revolution­ized financial transactio­ns, offering modern convenienc­e to countless Guyanese. It has become an essential tool for managing finances efficientl­y and securely.

“The name ONE Communicat­ions is more than just a rebrand; it is a bold statement of unity and commitment. The name reflects the company’s evolution from a collection of services into a cohesive entity focused on delivering seamless and exceptiona­l customer experience­s across all touchpoint­s”, the release said.

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