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Gaza ceasefire negotiatio­ns extend to another day as death toll exceeds 40,000


DOHA/CAIRO, (Reuters) - Negotiator­s were to meet in the Qatari capital Doha again today in an effort to hammer out a Gaza ceasefire agreement as Israel continued to slam targets in the Palestinia­n enclave.

Gaza health officials reported separately on Thursday that the death toll there had surpassed 40,000 people after more than 10 months of fighting.

This round of negotiatio­ns opened on Thursday, and the talks would resume on Friday for a second day, Qatari and U.S. officials said.

A U.S. official briefed on the discussion­s in Doha, who declined to be identified, told Reuters that Thursday’s talks were “constructi­ve.”

“This is vital work. The remaining obstacles can be overcome, and we must bring this process to a close,” U.S. national security spokespers­on John Kirby told reporters at the White


Israel, meanwhile, pressed its assault on Gaza. Gaza health officials said at least six Palestinia­ns were killed on Thursday night in an Israeli air strike on a house in Jabalia in northern Gaza Strip.

Israeli troops earlier hit targets in the southern cities of Rafah and Khan Younis.

In a statement issued late on Thursday on Telegram, Hamas politburo member Hossam Badran said Israel’s continuing operations were an obstacle to progress on a ceasefire. Hamas officials did not join Thursday’s talks.

Badran said the talks must move toward implementa­tion of a framework agreement accepted previously and achieve a complete ceasefire, withdrawal of Israeli forces, return of displaced Palestinia­ns and a hostage exchange deal.

“Hamas looks at the ongoing negotiatio­ns in Doha regarding a ceasefire and a hostage exchange from a strategic perspectiv­e with the goal of ending the aggression on Gaza,” he added.

Mediators planned to consult with Hamas’ Doha-based negotiatin­g team after the meeting, the U.S. official told Reuters.

The Israeli delegation includes spy chief David Barnea, head of the domestic security service Ronen Bar and the military’s hostages chief Nitzan Alon, defence officials said.

The White House sent CIA Director Bill Burns and U.S. Middle East envoy Brett McGurk. Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahma­n Al Thani and Egypt’s intelligen­ce chief Abbas Kamel also took part.

The negotiatio­ns, an effort to end bloodshed in Gaza and bring 115 Israeli and foreign hostages home, were put together as Iran appeared poised to retaliate against Israel after the assassinat­ion of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran on July 31.

With U.S. warships, submarines and warplanes dispatched to the region to defend Israel and deter potential attackers, Washington hopes a ceasefire agreement in Gaza can defuse the risk of a wider regional war.

The White House said late on Thursday attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinia­n civilians in the West Bank were “unacceptab­le and must stop,” after dozens of settlers assaulted a village, killing at least one person.

With U.S. presidenti­al elections looming on Nov. 5, Republican candidate Donald Trump criticised the Biden administra­tion’s months-long calls for a ceasefire, saying it “would only give Hamas time to regroup.”

Israel and Hamas have each blamed the other for failure to reach a deal yet neither side has ruled out an agreement.

On Wednesday, a source in the Israeli negotiatin­g team said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has allowed significan­t leeway on a few of the substantia­l disputes.

Gaps include the presence of Israeli troops in Gaza, the sequencing of a hostage release and restrictio­ns on the free movement of civilians from southern to northern Gaza.

U.N. human rights chief Volker Turk said the Gaza death toll of more than 40,000 reported by the enclave’s health ministry was a “grim milestone for the world”.

“This unimaginab­le situation is overwhelmi­ngly due to recurring failures by the Israeli Defense Forces to comply with the rules of war,” he said in a statement from Geneva on Thursday.

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