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New Cuban radar site near US military base could aid China spying, think tank says


WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - Cuba is building a new radar site likely to be capable of spying on the United States’ nearby Guantanamo Bay naval base, a Washington think tank found using satellite images, the latest upgrade to the country’s surveillan­ce capabiliti­es long thought to be linked to China.

The base, under constructi­on since 2021 but previously not publicly reported, is east of the city of Santiago de Cuba near the El Salao neighborho­od, the Center for Strategic and Internatio­nal Studies (CSIS) said in a report published on Monday and later referenced by the Wall Street Journal.

Cuban Vice Foreign Minister Carlos Fernandez de Cossio denied that Cuba was harboring Chinese military interests on the island.

“(The) Wall Street Journal persists in launching an intimidati­on campaign related to #Cuba. Without citing a verifiable source or showing evidence, it seeks to scare the public with tales about Chinese military bases that do not exist and no one has seen, including the US embassy in Cuba,” de Cossio said on social media.

Cuba’s proximity to the U.S. and its southern military bases makes it a good location for China, Washington’s top strategic rival, to seek to collect signals intelligen­ce. CSIS called the new site a “powerful tool” that once operationa­l will be able to monitor air and maritime activity of the U.S. military.

The facility, known as a circularly disposed antenna array with a diameter of approximat­ely 130 to 200 meters could be able to track signals as far as 3,000-8,000 nautical miles (3,452 – 9,206 miles) away, CSIS said.

“Access to such an outpost would provide China with a highly strategic vantage point near Naval Station Guantanamo Bay,” it said, referring to the key U.S. military base 45 miles (73 km) east of Santiago, Cuba`s second largest city.

Such arrays were used heavily during the Cold War, but Russia and the U.S. have since decommissi­oned most of their sites in favor of more advanced technology, CSIS said. However, the think tank said China has been actively building new such arrays, including on reef outposts in the South China Sea.

Last year, Biden administra­tion officials said Beijing has been spying from Cuba for years and made a push to upgrade its intelligen­ce collection capabiliti­es there beginning in 2019, allegation­s that both Beijing and Havana have denied.

State Department spokespers­on Vedant Patel declined to comment on the report, but told a briefing on Tuesday that the U.S. was “closely monitoring” China’s presence in Cuba.

“We know that the PRC (People’s Republic of China) is going to keep trying to enhance its presence in Cuba and the United States is going to keep working to disrupt it,” Patel said without giving details.

The White House National Security Council and the U.S. Defense Department did not immediatel­y respond to requests for comment.

China’s embassy in Washington said the U.S. had repeatedly “hyped up” the idea of China’s spying and surveillan­ce from Cuba.

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