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US says it’s still open to talks with Venezuela after Maduro announces meeting


WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - The Biden administra­tion remains open to dialogue with the Venezuelan government, U.S. officials said yesterday after President Nicolas Maduro said he had agreed to restart direct talks just weeks ahead of a July 28 presidenti­al election in Venezuela.

The officials said the U.S. had previously indicated it welcomed discussion­s “in good faith” but they stopped short of confirming Maduro’s statement late on

Monday that a meeting was now scheduled in coming days.

The Socialist president is seeking a third term in office while Washington has expressed concern about whether he will make good on his promises to hold a free and fair election. Western government­s dismissed his 2018 re-election as a sham.

Maduro is now pitted against Edmundo Gonzalez, a veteran ex-diplomat who was named the main opposition candidate after primary winner Maria Corina Machado had a ban on holding office upheld by the Supreme Court, a move condemned by the U.S. at the time.

Machado has since given Gonzalez her backing, and he has built a large lead over Maduro in opinion polls.

The U.S. reimposed oil sanctions on OPEC-member Venezuela in mid-April, accusing Maduro of not fully complying with electoral guarantees he made in deals with the opposition.

Maduro said in a television programme that he had accepted Washington’s proposal to restart talks with the U.S. “to comply with the agreements signed in Qatar and to re-establish the terms of the dialogue with respect.”

Secret negotiatio­ns between the U.S. and Venezuela in Qatar late last year helped pave the way to Maduro’s scheduling of elections this month.

“I’m just not going to get into the specifics of our diplomatic engagement­s beyond just saying that in the context of Venezuela - you’ve heard us say this before - we of course welcome dialogue in good faith, and we support the Venezuelan people’s desire for competitiv­e and inclusive elections on July 28,” U.S. State Department spokespers­on Vedant Patel said.

“We are clear-eyed that democratic change will not be easy and certainly requires a serious commitment,” Patel told a daily briefing in Washington.

Venezuelan official negotiator and National Assembly President Jorge Rodriguez will participat­e in the talks, Maduro said, without detailing the specific topics to be discussed.

It was not immediatel­y known whether the meeting would be in person or held virtually. A previous meeting between senior U.S. officials and Maduro’s representa­tives took place in Mexico in midApril.

 ?? ?? Nicolas Maduro
Nicolas Maduro

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