Stabroek News

Ants perform limb amputation­s on injured comrades to save their lives


WASHINGTON, (Reuters) - Limb amputation­s are performed by surgeons when a traumatic injury such as a wound from war or a vehicle accident causes major tissue destructio­n or in instances of serious infection or disease. But humans are not alone in doing such procedures.

New research shows that some ants perform limb amputation­s on injured comrades to improve their survival chances. The behaviour was documented in Florida carpenter ants - scientific name Camponotus floridanus - a reddish-brown species more than half an inch (1.5 cm) long inhabiting parts of the southeaste­rn United States.

These ants were observed treating injured limbs of nestmates either by cleaning the wound using their mouthparts or by amputation through biting off the damaged limb. The choice of care depended on the injury’s location. When it was further up the leg, they always amputated. When it was further down, they never amputated.

“In this study, we describe for the first time how a non-human animal uses amputation­s on another individual to save their life,” said entomologi­st Erik Frank of the University of Würzburg in Germany, lead author of the research published on

Tuesday in the journal Current Biology.

“I am convinced that we can safely say that the ants’ ‘medical system’ to care for the injured is the most sophistica­ted in the animal kingdom, rivaled only by our own,” Frank added.

This species nests in rotting wood and defends their home vigorously against rival ant colonies.

“If fights break out, there is a risk of injury,” Frank said.

The researcher­s studied injuries to the upper part of the leg, the femur, and the lower part, the tibia. Such injuries are commonly found in wild ants of various species, sustained in fights, while hunting or through predation by other animals.

The ants were observed in laboratory conditions.

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