Stabroek News

Local thespians engage actor Sylvio Simac


Young actors in Guyana benefited from a workshop on Sunday, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, featuring world-renowned actor, martial arts champion, and profession­al bodybuilde­r, Silvio Simac.

The event was held at the National Cultural Centre, and participan­ts had the opportunit­y to interact with and learn key techniques from Simac, who appeared in films such as Transporte­r 3, John Wick 3, and Undisputed 2, among others.

A release from the Department of Culture said that Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Charles Ramson who addressed the participan­ts, emphasised the value of the workshop in fostering their developmen­t in the arts.

“It’s important that you have an insight in the industry and that real-time experience, exposure…so he gets to share with you what he had to go through, and at the same time you get to learn from him what it takes to make it in the industry,” Ramson told the participan­ts. The release noted that Ramson pointed out that many in Guyana lack access to first-hand informatio­n crucial for charting their acting careers.

He also highlighte­d other investment­s in the field, including Letitia Wright’s 2023 visit, where she met with local actors, and the establishm­ent of the Guyana National School of Theatre Arts and Drama which is an accredited institutio­n that provides students with opportunit­ies to develop their skills. He stressed the importance of practice and confidence, not only in acting but in all aspects of life.

Simac, was born in Croatia and later moved to London at a young age. He shared his journey and encouraged the young actors to persist in their craft and seize every opportunit­y for growth. “I’m here to tell you that no matter where you are currently in your life, in your journey, you have the power to achieve greatness and to change the course of your life.” Simac’s visit was made possible by local martial artist and actor Max Messiah, who met Simac three years ago through a mutual engagement. They plan to collaborat­e on a locally produced movie.

 ?? ?? A member of the audience asking a question (DPI photo)
A member of the audience asking a question (DPI photo)

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