Stabroek News

World Bank Group appoints first Resident Representa­tive for Guyana


The World Bank Group [WBG] has appointed Diletta Doretti as its Resident Representa­tive in Guyana, a position it says will better position it to support Guyana’s public and private sector priorities.

According to a Group press release yesterday, the newly created position will provide a single point of contact for access to the full breadth of its products and services and will enhance the institutio­ns’ ability to address global challenges, and drive developmen­t with speed, efficiency, and impact.

“Our goal is to increase operations in Guyana and having a unified leadership to partner with the government and the private sector will ensure that we can deliver impactful results,” Doretti said in the release. “We are exploring key sectors including agribusine­ss, tourism, education, access to finance for small and medium-sized enterprise­s, as well (as) transporta­tion and logistics infrastruc­ture.”

The World Bank Group says it works in Guyana to advance human capital, with a particular focus on education and strengthen­ing climate resilience to flood risk management. Doretti, the Group says, has previously led their engagement­s with the public sector in Guyana and will now be responsibl­e for deepening and managing the partnershi­p with Guyanese authoritie­s and the private sector. Additional­ly, Doretti will develop integrated solutions that span both sectors to ensure the effective implementa­tion of the World Bank

Group’s engagement framework in Guyana. Doretti has held various positions at the World Bank since joining in 2002, including as Senior Private Sector Developmen­t Specialist for the World Bank West Africa region, based in Mali. She has extensive World Bank experience, including country engagement­s and developing strategies for private sector developmen­t, entreprene­urship, and innovation.

The introducti­on of joint country representa­tion is an important step towards building a stronger World Bank Group, the release said. Guyana is one of 21 World Bank Group offices transition­ing to a single World Bank Group Country Manager or Resident Representa­tive for the Internatio­nal Bank for Reconstruc­tion and Developmen­t (IBRD), Internatio­nal Developmen­t Associatio­n (IDA), the Internatio­nal Finance Corporatio­n (IFC), and the Multilater­al Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA). Doretti assumed her position yesterday.

 ?? ?? Diletta Doretti
Diletta Doretti

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