Stabroek News

Unopposed for leadership,


spared no criticism in condemning the current administra­tion’s priorities. “Child poverty and food insecurity continue to haunt our streets, starkly contrastin­g with the glittering infrastruc­ture projects lining our roads,” he lamented, drawing attention to the paradox of progress marred by social neglect.

Drawing on global parallels, Norton drew a cautionary comparison with nations like Equatorial Guinea, where economic mismanagem­ent resulted in dire social crises. He underscore­d declining sectors such as gold and sugar production under the current regime, linking these to broader economic challenges and foreign exchange crises. Norton’s accusation­s of incompeten­ce and corruption were met with fervent nods from the assembly, reflecting shared concerns over transparen­cy in economic reporting and unaddresse­d unemployme­nt rates.

The urgency for change permeated Norton’s address as he rallied support for national unity in the face of external threats, particular­ly from neighbouri­ng Venezuela. His call for a robust foreign policy stance and underscore­d the party’s resolve to safeguard Guyana’s territoria­l integrity and economic interests.

Closing with a call to action, Norton rallied delegates and the nation around the theme of “Forming the next government: building a just, inclusive, and prosperous society for all.” Specific policy initiative­s aimed at poverty reduction, economic growth, and national security framed his vision for a future led by the PNCR, punctuatin­g a charged session that set the stage for deliberati­ons ahead.

PNCR Chairman Shurwayne Holder reflected on the party’s storied history and ambitious future, marking the Congress’s theme, “Forming the Next Government, Building a Just, Inclusive, and Prosperous Society for All.” With a nod to the party’s foundation­al milestones and recent resurgence in grassroots engagement, Holder set an optimistic tone for the days ahead, urging unity and strategic focus in charting the party’s course towards national leadership.

As the 32nd Biennial Congress unfolds over the weekend, delegates will delve into critical discussion­s on human developmen­t, economic policy, resource management, and governance strategies.

There were some bizarre moments during the congress opening with a woman seemingly possessed rolling on the floor just in front of the podium. There were initial attempts to restrain her but these petered out.

In recent weeks, the PNCR has reeled from a series of setbacks. A Partnershi­p for National Unity – the coalition that the PNCR had helped form – announced that it had elected new office bearers in the absence of the PNCR. This was rejected by Norton.

Days later, Norton was faced with accusation­s of sexual harassment by party member Vanessa Kissoon which he strenuousl­y denied. This matter is being examined by party elders. In the interim charges and counter charges flowed among party members leading to acrimony on social media.

On June 24, just days before the congress was to start, party General Secretary Dawn HastingsWi­lliams resigned with immediate effect citing dissatisfa­ction with arrangemen­ts for the congress, financial matters and humiliatin­g incidents.

In her resignatio­n letter seen by

Stabroek New Williams recount problems to Norto

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Aubrey Norton delivering his speech

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