Stabroek News

US 3D printing company launches here


Deputy Chief of Mission of the US Embassy, Adrienne Galanek on Thursday joined U.S. company, Cave Industries, in launching their Guyana office.

A brief statement from the US Embassy said that Cave Holdings – Guyana Inc will bring innovative 3D printing technology as well as ease inventory and part replacemen­t challenges to support local manufactur­ers.

Dr. Peter Ramsaroop, Chief Investment Officer of Guyana and Agency Head of the Guyana Office for Investment also attended the opening ceremony of Cave Holdings – Guyana Inc.

A statement from G-Invest said that the company has establishe­d an industrial additive manufactur­ing operation that will provide critical products to support the mining, constructi­on, medical, and oil and gas industries.

The company’s cutting-edge pieces of equipment which will utilize Additive Manufactur­ing and Digital Fabricatio­n hold significan­t promise for Guyana, as it will eliminate the need for shipping many critical parts for the oil and gas industry, enabling parts to be made directly from a 3D design, the statement said.

Ramsaroop expressed that the establishm­ent of Cave Holdings – Guyana Inc. represents another step in the nation’s industrial evolution. Ramsaroop stated that the company will not only support key industries but will also add to Guyana’s self-sufficienc­y and reduce its reliance on imports.

The statement said that the Guyana Office for Investment played a crucial role in facilitati­ng the company’s investment into the country, underscori­ng the government’s commitment to creating a conducive environmen­t for foreign and local investment­s.

 ?? ?? The ribbon-cutting for the launch (US Embassy photo)
The ribbon-cutting for the launch (US Embassy photo)

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